Sunday, February 1, 2015

Make your life your happy!

Happy Snowy Sunday my Happy clan - I hope everyone who is in this snowstorm is enjoying every second of it!  I am actually considering going outside soon to make my own snowman!  It's been so long since I've made a snowman - it makes me smile just thinking about it!  But, even if it's not today, I will be making a snowman before I leave Chicago.  After all, how else do you make a Happy out of a snowstorm :)  Besides snowball fights, of course!

Another way to enjoy a cold, snowy day is to sit inside with your bestie watching lots and lots of TV in your pajamas!  Even though I didn't come out here for a vacation, I'm so thankful for this snowstorm.  It is forcing people to stay in and just relax and enjoy their life... And that's what we should always try to do.  Yes, I know it's hard sometimes, life is usually quite busy but that's why we're given moments like this.  To remind us that we need to slow down every once in awhile and just enjoy life!

They say you only live once but that's just not true, you live every day you wake up but what you choose to do with each daily gift is up to you!  And that's what today's Happy is.  A simple message to help you remember how important it is to actually live your life and not just get through it:

Yesterday's the past,
Tomorrow's the future,
But today is a gift...
That's why it's called the present!!
-Bill Keane

Don't wait for the perfect moment,
Take the moment and make it perfect!!

When you arise in the morning,
think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - 
to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love!
-Marcus Aurelius

Our life is a gift from God.
What we do with our life is our gift to God!

Life is a gift, I accept it.
Life is an adventure, I dare it.
Life is a mystery, I'm unfolding it.
Life is a puzzle, I'm solving it.
Life is a game, I play it.
Life can be a struggle, I'm facing it.
Life is beautiful, I'm enjoying it.
Life is an opportunity, I took it.
Life is my mission, I'm fulfilling it!

So, go out and enjoy your life - and smile while you're at it, it makes life even more fun!!!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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