Sunday, May 31, 2015

Good Night, Sleep Tight

Hello again my Happy clan!  I bet you all are ready to head into your bed so you can start the new week ahead of you tomorrow.  I've got another busy week ahead of me but I'm looking forward to all the obstacles to come because I'll be taking them all on and I'll also be the one who comes out ahead!!  And who knows, maybe this will be a quiet week when everything goes perfectly ... One should always hope!

Tonight I wanted to send you all off to sleep with a song from the Beatles, sung by Ringo.  This is a song that isn't played very often at all and, to be quite honest, I first heard this song a few years ago (and I've been listening to the Beatles for pretty much my whole life).  It's such a sweet song though and quite the perfect song to listen to before dozing off to dream land.  So, without further ado, I give you The Beatles performing "Good Night":

Now you all go have yourself a wonderful good night's rest and sweet dreams to all of you!!  And until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Make people wonder...

Happy Sunday night my Happy clan!  As you can see, I've been all over the place with this blog lately because of how busy I've been, but as promised, I'm making sure you get a daily happy, even if it has to come a day or two late...

I hope everyone has been having a great weekend and I hope you all have been happy!  My weekend has been wonderful!  I worked some, I spent lots of time with my guys, I had some hangout time with my mom and family and I even got a little bit of sleep in too ;)  I definitely wouldn't say this week has been perfect, but I've kept my smile going!  I had a customer at work the other day tell me how nice it was to see someone so happy.  I told him that I was always happy and he asked, how is that possible?  I said - because I choose to be.  You see every morning that we wake up we have the choice to either have a happy day or not to.  I choose to be happy!

I've always lived this way.  Being happy is how I live.  I don't know if I'd be able to live every day upset or grumpy or angry...  It honestly seems like to much work anyways.  You know how much easier it is to just let go and smile?!  I've had so many people ask me how I can always be so happy and chipper all the time.  I even was nicknamed "Chipper" by one of my co-workers because of how happy I always am.  I think it's so funny when people ask me how, or why, I'm always so happy.  The answer is the same for both questions though - I choose to be!!!

Now it's time for all of you to start making people in the world wonder about your happiness so that you can share the simple secret that you choose to be... And they can too!!!  Here are a few quotes about choosing to be happy in life - just to help you all make the right choice each morning, afternoon and night!

Now, I want you all to take this advice and pass it on - let's all start choosing happiness and start truly enjoying life with one another!!  Until next time, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Thursday, May 28, 2015

A message to the broken hearted...

Good Afternoon my Happy clan!  I hope you all are having a good day.  Unfortunately I know a few people who are not right now so this is a special post for those who are currently dealing with a broken heart...

You will lose someone you can't live without, and your heart will be badly broken.  The bad news is that you never completely get over the loss of your beloved.  But this is also the good news. They live forever in your broken heart that doesn't seal back up.  And you come through.  It's like having a broken leg that never heals perfectly - it still hurts when the weather gets cold but you learn to dance with the limp!

I know it's hard to learn how to dance again, but you'll get there!  And until you do, I'll be here doing what I can to bring a smile to your face and heart!!

I'm heading back to work now but more Happies to follow soon.  Until then, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Start your day with a smile!

Good Morning my Happy clan!!  I thought I'd start the day off by passing around morning smiles :) Be on the lookout for more Happy posts today ... It's a multi-happy type of day!  So, until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sweet thoughts for sweet dreams!

I know it's short and simple tonight, but I'm very tired.  So, here's a little Happy for us all to send us off to dreamland!  Goodnight and sweet dreams!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Monday, May 25, 2015

We sleep in peace tonight...

Good evening to you all and a Happy Memorial Day as well!!  I hope all of you enjoyed your day today and remembered to think of all those that fought to protect us and give us the freedoms we have!  Today's Happy is completely dedicated to all of those men and women who have served, are currently serving and to those that gave their lives so we could continue living ours!!!  I don't even know how to begin to thank you all for what you've done/are doing for us all... I pray for you and your loved ones and well, God bless you all!!!  You all are an incredible vision of love ... thank you so very much!!!

Just thinking about what these men and women do for us all the time ... How can that not make you happy?  Knowing someone is out there risking their life every day, lots of someones that don't even know us, that's pretty awesome.  I hate that we have wars and that people fight, and our American Soldiers do too, but when our land is threatened - along with all the people who live here - they stand up and fight for us all.  They choose to go out there and do this too!  I really wish I could do something more to show how incredibly thankful I am... 

So, in honor of all these men and women here's American Soldier by Toby Keith:

American Soldier
*lyrics are under the video

I'm just trying to be a father
Raise a daughter and a son
Be a lover to their mother
Everything to everyone
Up and at 'em, bright and early
I'm all business in my suit
Yeah, I'm dressed up for success
From my head down to my boots

I don't do it for the money
There's bills that I can't pay
I don't do it for the glory
I just do it anyway
Providing for our future's my responsibility
Yeah I'm real good under pressure
Being all that I can be

And I can't call in sick on Mondays
When the weekends been too strong
I just work straight through the holidays
And sometimes all night long
You can bet that I stand ready when the wolf growls at the door
Hey I'm solid
Hey I'm steady, hey
I'm true down to the core

And I will always do my duty no matter what the price
I've counted up the cost, I know the sacrifice
Oh, and I don't want to die for you
But if dyin's asked of me
I'll bear that cross with honor
'Cause freedom don't come free

I'm an American soldier, an American
Beside my brothers and my sisters I will proudly take a stand
When Liberty's in jeopardy, I will always do what's right
I'm out here on the front line
Sleep in peace tonight
American soldier, I'm an American soldier

I hope you all are a little happier now remembering that we have so many phenomenal men and women out there watching out for us all the time.  It's pretty amazing, isn't it?  Thanks again to all of you and to those who gave their lives, watch over us from Heaven too!! 

Now, go have yourselves a fabulous night's rest and until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Happiness is... really quite easy to find!

Good evening my Happy clan and a very Happy Sunday night to you all!  I hope you all are enjoying your weekend and that it has been filled with beauty and sunshine!  In fact, I wish that for you every single day.  Why?  Because those are the types of days I have all the time and they are just fantastic!

How can I always have days like that you ask?  Why, it's quite simple.  You just have to focus in on all the happy moments that are happening to you or around you, because they're always happening.  Always.  In fact, for tonight's Happy I am sharing a list with all of you to assist you in finding all your daily happy moments:

Happiness Is...

Realizing you have 20 more minutes to sleep before you have to get up.
Being able to hit that snooze button one more time.
Getting a towel straight out of the dryer.
Finding a clean pair of socks that not only match but don't have any holes.
When your hair looks really nice ... at the end of the day.
When you have to get dressed in the dark and you come out matching.
Being told I love you with a simple look.
A hug from a child.
The smell of fresh flowers blooming.
Watching the sunrise with a warm cup of coffee.
Watching the sunset with a warm cup of coffee.
A warm cup of coffee ;)
A child's laughter.
When you get all green lights on the way to work.
A warm hello and/or smile from anyone.
Spring rainstorms.
A sloppy, wet kiss from your dog.
A gentle snuggle from your cat.
A soft nuzzle from your bunny.
A hug from a friend.
Finding any amount of money in clothing you haven't worn in awhile.
Having a tickle fight with your son/daughter.
Turning on the radio to the beginning of one of your favorite songs.
Sharing a meal with someone.
Catching up with an old friend.
Knowing that someone you miss also misses you.
Getting a letter in the mail from a loved one.
When you take a shower and the water is perfect the whole time.
Comforting someone who is hurting.
Sticking up for others no matter who they are.
When you make someone else happy.

These are just a small select few that popped in my head ... I could easily go on for hours giving you simple ways to be happy!  In fact, if any of you have some every day happies you'd like to share - please do so in the comments!  But I'm going to go get a movie put on for Johnny (since he can stay up later tonight because he doesn't have school tomorrow) so until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Friday, May 22, 2015

My Johnny - the perfect daily Happy!

Good Morning my Happy clan and a very Happy Friday to you all!!  I hope you're all nice and excited for today and the weekend that is just around the corner :)  And it's Memorial Day weekend so I know the majority of you will be getting a 3-day weekend... Not I - I now work in the retail world.  But, it's okay.  I work an earlier shift so I'll still make it home to hang with my boys and my mom and my sibs during the 2nd half of the day, when the sun starts going down.  I am choosing to find the happiest part and focus in on that!!  I hope that you all have been doing that as well...

I had a really nice conversation with my son, Johnny, the other day about this topic.  It's nice knowing that he not only listens to me, but takes in what I teach him and lives his life that way too!!  As I'm sure most of you already know, my son is a victim of bullying.  Ever since he was 5 years old he's been getting bullied.  It started in daycare.  At first, everything was fine - as it should be when your 0-5 years old (technically, it should be your whole life).  Then, kids started picking on him because of how nice and goofy he was.  Johnny has a really big heart, so it really hurt him that his friends were being mean to him and he didn't fully understand it either.  He came home crying, a lot, all he wanted was to be friends with everyone.  The final straw was the day some kid pulled his pants down (underwear and all) in the middle of the classroom.  He was beyond humiliated (even though he was way too young to even know what embarrassment was!!!) and I with-drawled him that day.

Things got better for a little while.  Then we got him enrolled in Kindergarten at a Catholic school.  I went to a Catholic school my whole life, 12 years to be exact, so I was excited for Johnny to get the education and closer interaction with his teachers and more kids at the school.  Unfortunately, that was not what happened.  Johnny was immediately targeted by a few bullies there.  One was in his class and the others were older kids in the after school daycare the school offered.  After talking with the after school teachers multiple times about the bullies he was dealing with they finally figured out a way to keep them separated from each other.  However, the one is his class was a little more difficult.  Even though we spoke with his teacher about the situation, the kid was still picking on Johnny and it was getting worse every day.  Johnny started pretending he was sick so he wouldn't have to go to school - and he loved school...  Then, the emotional bullying started turning into physical bullying.  He started hitting my Johnny!!  Now, I'm a pacifist and I do not condone fighting, but I also don't condone letting others push you around so his dad, my Matty, and I taught Johnny how to stand up for himself.  Johnny was very hesitant about it because hitting someone was not something he wanted to do, especially because he wanted the kid to be his friend.  We explained to Johnny that he should always try and resolve conflicts using words instead of actions, but if the kid hit him he had to hit him back to stand his ground.  However, we taught him to never just hit someone - always warn them that you are not going to let them bully you and if they did it again he was going to hit them back.  He said he understood and was going to put a stop to his bullying using what we taught him.

The next day I received a phone call from the office at his school letting me know that Johnny was being expelled (yes, you are reading that right... and yes, this was in kindergarten still).  I couldn't believe what I was hearing.  When I asked them how he could be getting expelled they told me it was for hitting because they have a zero tolerance fighting policy.  I wanted to scream at them - if you have a zero tolerance fighting policy, why is my son being bullied every single day he comes to school?!?!?!  Red flag #1...  Matt worked much closer to the school so I called him and explained what the school just told me.  Matt immediately went to the school to get Johnny and to have a few words with the principal about what happened.  When he got there, the principal wouldn't even come out of his office to talk with him - he literally hid in his office!  If Johnny was in the wrong, why would you need to hide?  Red flag #2...  Matt took Johnny and they both went home.  They sat down and had a very long conversation about what happened.  Johnny told Matt that he was getting a book in the classroom for silent reading time when his bully came over and hit him in the back.  Johnny immediately went to his teacher and told her that the bully was picking on him again and his mommy and daddy told him that if he got hit again he was able to stick up for himself and hit the kid back.  What did his teacher do?  Grabbed him by the arm, like he was the one at fault, and dragged him to the office to have him expelled for his actions.  (I'm still just so dumbfounded about this situation and this happened over 5 years ago!!)  After our discussion with Johnny we called the school and talked with the principal over the phone, at least he was man enough to do that...  We explained to him that Johnny was in no way doing anything wrong, all he was doing was trying to stand up to his bully since his teachers weren't helping take care of that problem.  We told them that since Johnny did nothing wrong that we do not agree with him being expelled and when his transcripts are sent over to his new school for 1st grade it better show that Kindergarten had been fully completed.  They agreed to take care of that.  A week later the principal called and left a message for us apologizing for saying that Johnny was the "bad seed" (yes, he called my child that...) and that he really was an amazing child and they'd love for him to come back to finish up the school year.  I called back and told them Johnny already finished school and we would not be returning.

Unfortunately, his bullying did not stop there.  No matter where Johnny went he seemed to get picked on.  Either because he was too goofy or because he's not really into sports or because he cries too much for them (I'm so sorry my kid has a heart...).  So, finally Matt and I decided he needs to fully know how to defend himself and how to stand his ground.  Matt started boxing with him at home and teaching him how to stand firm when someone tries to come at him.  In between those lessons, we'd teach him about how not to fight as well and how to try and handle situations without ever having to raise a fist.  We also taught him to hold his temper so he's thinking properly instead of out of anger.  About two weeks ago, Johnny finally took the power away from his bully.  He only had to push him down, he never once swung at him.  The kid was shocked and actually took off running.  Later Johnny saw this same bully picking on some other kid, Johnny immediately intervened (and the kid he was standing up for was picking on him and calling him names earlier that day).  He got in between them and told the kid that from now on if he wants to bully anyone he'll have to get through Johnny first!  Guess what happened?  The bully walked away!!  I'm telling you, I'm still bursting with pride over this!!!

Which brings us back to the conversation Johnny and I had the other day.  We were sitting at the table just talking about how school was going and how things were going with his friends.  Everything has been going so much better for him and he truly looked happier!  Then, he turned to me and said, "So you remember the kid that was bullying me?"  I was like, of course - what happened?  Immediately I'm expecting him to tell me the bullying was starting again.  Instead, this is the story he shared with me:
"At lunchtime today I saw (*insert the bully's name here) at the lunch table sitting alone and crying.  I walked over to him and asked what was wrong and why he was so upset.  *The bully* said that kids were picking on him and calling him ugly and other mean names.  So, I turned to him and said now you see how I felt when you were mean to me.  Then I walked over to the group of kids that were picking on him and told them they need to stop being so mean to *the bully* and if they don't they would have to deal with me because I will not allow this bullying to continue.  I walked back over to *the bully* and he said thank you to me and apologized for being so mean to me before.  It's pretty cool, now he's my friend, Mom!"

I didn't know what to say to him, I just hugged him and cried... I'm crying now sharing this story with you all!  I'm so beyond proud of my son and the amazing young man he's turning into right before my eyes.  I am so thankful for the amazingly humongous heart that God has blessed him with and I just know he's going to make a huge difference for the better in this world.  I mean, he told me on the way to school this morning that when he grows up he wants to be a police officer, a fire fighter or a nurse - because he wants to dedicate his life to help others!  I'm just so impressed by this kid of mine.  I don't know what I did to have such an amazing kid but I'm so glad I did whatever it was I did!!

So, now you see yet another reason why I'm so happy all the time - because I'm lucky enough to have the greatest Happy as my son!!!  And today, I'm sharing him with all of you!!!  Life can be pretty crappy sometimes and so can the people in it but there is always some out there looking out for you and standing up for you, whether you see them or not.  Never let anyone push you around, always be yourself and as my Johnny said years ago:


Now, go out and have yourself a Happy day - be kind and compassionate to every one you meet, and look out for the little guys that don't have the strength to stand on their own yet.  Remember, never look down on anyone unless you're helping them up!!!  Until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Sweet Dreams To You

I had a super long and busy day so it's another quickie tonight, but a very true and spectacular one!  I wish you a wonderful sleep and the sweetest of dreams!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Start your day with a smile and a song!

Good Morning and Happy Tuesday my Happy clan!!  So, as I was posting your Happy last night I noticed how many posts I was behind and that just will not do... So - to show how dedicated I am to making as many people as happy as possible, I am going to get caught up by the end of this week.  So get ready for some extra Happies!!

This morning I am going to get you all going with a smile and a song - in fact, it's a song all about going through life with a smile on your face and a song in your heart.  I'm sure some of you know this is from Snow White (which happens to be my all time favorite Disney movie AND princess!!).  I do plan on recording myself singing this song some time in the near future, but until then you will get the amazingly awesome Disney version from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (directly below it are the lyrics):

With a Smile and a Song lyrics:

With a smile and a song
Life is just like a bright sunny day
Your cares fade away
And your heart is young

I hWith a smile and a song
All the world seems to waken anew
Rejoicing with you
As the song is sung

There’s no use in grumbling
When the raindrops come tumbling
Remember, you’re the one
Who can fill the world with sunshine

When you smile and you sing
Everything is in tune and it’s spring
And life flows along
With a smile and a song!

I hope you all have an absolutely fantastic day and I look forward to sending you your next Happy later today!!  Until then, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Blissful Goodnight Wishes

Good Evening my Happy clan!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Monday!  My day was hectic and busy and absolutely fabulous :)  I had the day off of work but I took care of a lot at the house so I feel accomplished with myself.  Especially because all the laundry is done (for now...).  However, I work the morning shift tomorrow and Johnny has school and Matt has work as well so I need to be getting off to bed myself.  Except, I've learned that it's hard for me to go to bed knowing that I haven't posted a Happy for all of you!!  Yes, there are some days here and there when it does happen, but I always wake up the next day thinking about how I need to post an extra Happy for you since I never posted the day before.  Pretty much - making you happy makes me happy and that's just super happiness!

Anyways, tonight I am going to send you off to sleep with a few night time quotes from some famous authors:

"Now cracks a noble heart.  Goodnight sweet prince(s and princesses), and flights of angels sing thee to they rest." -William Shakespeare

"Warm summer sun, shine kindly here.  Warm southern wind, blow softly here.  Green sod above, lie light, lie light.  Good night, dear Heart, Good night, Good night." -Mark Twain

"Do not go gentle into that good night.  Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light." -Dylan Thomas

"To all, to each, a fair goodnight, and pleasing drams and slumbers light." -Sir Walter Scott

"Goodnight, goodnight!  Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow." -William Shakespeare

I could come up with so many more, but I really should be off to be now... However, if you have any goodnight quotes from famous authors - or just goodnight quotes that you really like, share them with me in the comments.  I'd love to hear some more!!  So one more goodnight from me to you, GOODNIGHT!!!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Springtime Sunshine

Happy Sunday my Happy clan!!  I hope we are all having a fantabulous day so far!  Even though it's a blustery gray day, I am doing quite well :) Keeping my fingers crossed that we get a rainbow after today's showers!  As of now we've only had little sprinkles but I'd like an actual rain shower - that way, if it's warm enough, I can play in the rain!!

That's one of my favorite parts about spring, dancing in the rain.  It just gives me the greatest feeling and it cleanses my spirit!  And rain showers also bring all the flowers and helps all the trees start blooming ... Just looking at all that beauty makes me smile.  On my way to work this morning I was just in awe over how green it is outside.  Being away from it really made me realize how very much I missed Springtime and the amazingly beautifulness that comes with it!

Have you figured out that your Happy is based on Springtime?  Well, you do now ;) 

Now, I expect you all to go out and enjoy your daily free gift of beautiful nature and until tonight, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Happy moments in the darkness...

Good evening my Happy clan!  As you have probably noticed, I will not be able to do the 3 posts I had hoped to write for you all today.  I was busier than I planned so I guess two posts will just have to be what it is today.  But hey, a double Happy is definitely nice to have, right?  I know I think so - I love happy moments!!  Especially when they come at times when you least expect them.  Like, for instance, when things seem darkest.

Tonight's Happy I am going to show you that "happy moments in the darkness" is not an oxymoron, it is a for real thing.  But only if you allow it to be.  Happiness comes from within.  You can either choose to focus on whatever bad there may or might be or you can zoom in on the things that make you smile and hopeful and, well... happy!  Of course there are going to be times when that seems impossible, but it's not.  Just think of the things that make and/or made you happy and I guarantee you will start feeling better almost instantaneously.  Goodness, staying positive and just being happy all depends on you!  Stop being afraid of letting good win - it's definitely the better road to take.

I found a few simple artistically depicted quotes on my dear friend Google Images to further illustrate tonight's Happy for all of you:

Let every moment, whether it be good or bad, make you stronger, wiser and happier!  And ALWAYS remember to turn on you light!  Well, good night happy clan and until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

A Happy for you come rain or shine!

Good Morning and Happy Saturday my Happy clan!!  Yes, I know I owe you a couple extra Happies because I keep falling asleep before I have a chance to post anything.  I'm still getting used to working full time again, but I'm loving it so no complaints from this chicky ;)

It's supposed to be a warm but rainy rainy day here in the Chicagoland area so I thought this morning's Happy should be dedicated to the happiness that you can find, even on a rainy day!!  (FYI - I didn't take any of these pics, I found them all on Google Images)

So, there's your morning line up of happiness and positivity!  Now, go have a Happy morning and I'll be back later for Happy #2 :D  Until then, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Have a beautiful day!!

Happy Thursday morning my Happy clan!  So, I actually fell asleep with my iPad in my hands trying to write your Happy.  Yep, I was tired ;) But that's okay because instead you're going to get a morning AND evening Happy today!  I'll start off with the morning Happy since it is morning time :D

Now go out and find the beauty that is out there and enjoy this beautiful today!  Until tonight, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Immerse yourself into a happy verse!

Happy Tuesday night my Happy clan!  So, tonight's Happy I wanted to share some more goodnight poems with you because I haven't shared some in awhile and I really like having something as sweet and happy as these poems right before I go to sleep so why not share that with all of you once again.  I did a lot of searching around and I think these are the top three for tonight (I hope you all agree with my choices):

Forget about all the bad things that happened today

Remember all the nice ones
Forget all the nasty stuff people had to say
Just think of all the fun
Remember the times when you did a good deed
Forget all the wrongs and rights
Tuck yourself for a long night's sleep
Just bidding you a sweet good night

When you find a dream inside your heart
Don't you dare let it go
For dreams are the tiny seeds
From which a beautiful tomorrow grows!!

Good Night Dear Ones
By: Ginny Bryant
Now that the day is over
The time has come to sleep
I think of all my family and friends
I pray I'll always keep
As I lay in the darkness
I know deep in my mind
I love these special people
Who are caring and so kind.
Know I care for each of you
You mean so much to me
And when I wake on the morrow
In my mind your faces I see.
So rest and may the Lord bless you
As He watches in Heaven above
And hope He fills your precious hearts
With everlasting love!

I hope you enjoyed each one of these poems and they brought at least a small smile to your face before you head off to dreamland.  Who knows, maybe your sleep will be a lot more peaceful with all these extra well wishes ;)  Now I'm going to head off to bed as well so until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!

Pass your happiness on!!!

Howdy my Happy clan!  So as I was sitting down to post your Happy for this evening I noticed that yesterday's post had never been published... OMG!!!  For shame Karen! ;)  So, I am going to post last night's post for you first and your Happy for tonight will be posted shortly afterwards.

Good evening and Happy Monday my Happy clan!! (remember, this is from yesterday)  So, I had a day off today but I think I worked more today than when I work my 8 hour shift.  I'm not complaining though because I feel super accomplished.  I love when I get so much done, it's such a great feeling!  And I think that feeling as great as I did about what I got done rubbed off on Johnny because he's been having a fantastic afternoon and evening.  Same with Matty, we're all just in a really good mood today, or tonight I should say, or even go as far as to say all day!  I love how good moods are so easily passed on.  It's a lot easier to spread happy moods than icky moods, and a lot more fulfilling as well.

My dad shared this video with me the other day.  It's Jason Silva pretty much telling you why you should always strive to be happy ... even when it's hard!  Just watch... It's only a couple minutes ;)

So, pretty much what my blog is dedicated to is what he's saying.  Just be happy!  Stop looking at the bad that happens and start focusing on all the good!  Don't choose to be negative and miserable (because it is a choice), instead choose to be positive and happy!!!  So, there you have it folks - your daily dose of Happy from me AND Jason Silva.  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Mother's Day Wish

It's time for a Happy dedication in honor of Mother's Day!  This goes out to all the moms out there - and I am including all moms who: are playing the role by choice because of your relationship, are chose to adopt or foster children, are actually dads but play both roles, are relatives or friends helping raise someone's child(ren), are back in Heaven watching over us as our Guardian Angels, and are anyone that give children hope and love!

I hope you all had a very blessed Mother's Day today!  And to those of you who have to celebrate today without your mothers, just remember they are still always with you and always will be.  And until you meet again they will be watching over and taking care of you from Heaven!!

Now it is time for me to say goodnight and sweet dreams to you all so until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Never let go of Happiness!

Happy Sunday Evening my Happy clan!  I am so disappointed at myself for falling so far behind on my Happies!  I have 3 to make up for the last few days, not to mention 2 I somehow missed when we were moving back from AZ to Chicago... So, today I am going to try and get caught up on some of these missing Happies.

The first post I'd like to start off with is a song called, "Hold On" by Michael Buble.  It's one of my favorite songs by him.  Basically it's a love song, but it doesn't have to be if you don't want it to be.  It could be meant for anyone if you really wanted it to be.  The song is about how even though life can be so incredibly hard sometimes, as long as you hold on to the ones you love you can make it through anything!  And tonight, I am dedicating this Happy to my Matty.  No matter what life has thrown at us, knowing I have him on my side makes every situation that much easier to deal with!  I also know that he loves me and I love him, and through love you can conquer anything - including the devil himself!  So, here is "Hold On" and the video is a compilation of scenes with Snow White & Prince Charming from Once Upon a Time in the first season.  Since my Matty is my Prince Charming I thought this would be a good one to use ;)

Remember, I used Matt as my example - but this song can pertain to anyone you love and is very dear to your heart.  So, remember that you are never alone and you can make it through anything.  Love is a very powerful weapon!!!  Until next post, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Sprinkling some sweetness...

I'm sorry it's another quickie tonight but I do wish this for every single one of you each and every night!!!  So sweet dreams and until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Be the beautiful you that you are!

This is a strong yet simple Happy for you all tonight!  I'm hoping to actually be able to write a bit more next time so until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Monday, May 4, 2015

Just spreading some love!

Spread Love
by  lunalover

Do what you can to make life worthwhile;
Stop a child's tears, make a stranger smile.
Have a little patience when a puppy causes trouble;
End a vicious rumor before its consequences double.
Surround yourself with beauty, cloak your soul in love;
Remember there's a reason here and up above.
Believe that your actions will do more than you'll know;
When you spread the love around, it only starts to grow.
Maybe you won't start a world-wide revolution,
or single-handedly put an end to hunger and pollution,
but when you make a little child feel safe to sleep at night
you're doing something magical, spreading heaven's light.
So next time you feel lonely, take up another view;
put your loving heart to work and see what you can do!
Tonight's Happy is pretty much to the point so until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Hidden Happy Secret Inside!

Happy Sunday evening my Happy clan!!  I hope you all had an absolutely splendid weekend!  I've been working a lot lately and much busier than usual but I've been very happy :) Want to know why?  Because I know the secret... What secret you ask?  Why, the secret to being happy!  And guess what, I'm going to share it with all of you for your Happy tonight!!!

So, now that you all know the secret, go be happy!  And until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Saturday, May 2, 2015

What a wonderful world!

So before I fall asleep and not post your Happy again I am going to do it!  I'm sure you all can guess what today's Happy is going to be by the title of this post.  Today I'm sharing Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World"!  But since it's on my phone I can only share a link so here you go:

Now, go listen to it and take it in!!  And remember, life is wonderful!!!  Never forget that!!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

A happier way to live...

Here's your Happy for yesterday!  And yes, it is as easy as that... Once you allow yourself to live this way you'll have nothing but happy moments!  So, go out and use your eyes, heart, mind and soul the right way and until tonight, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)