Saturday, March 14, 2015

Let me make you happy!!!

Happy Saturday night my Happy clan!  I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend so far.  It's been a very long day for us.  We've been up since 6am so we could make it to Johnny's competition for the Odyssey of the Mind regionals at Scottsdale Community College, which is a beautiful college by the way.  We were there until about 1:30pm and then we headed to U-Haul to swap out cars since we had appointments to get hitches installed on our cars today.  Once that was finished we had to run a couple errands and now it's a little after 9pm and we're finally home and ready for bed!  Well, I most definitely am anyways ;)

Since I am feeling as tired as I am I decided it was time to come online and write your Happy before I fell asleep and forget to do it.  But I noticed that not as many of you are reading your daily Happy and you should be!  Why don't you want to smile?  Why won't you let me make you happy?  Well, it's time to change that.  I am now making it my new goal to get more of you to read my blog so more of you can smile each day!  My resolution for 2015 was to make as many people smile throughout the year as I could and darn it - I am going to keep my resolution this year!

So, because of this, today I decided our Happy needs to be something extreme - something that will make you happier than the happiest man in Springfield!  Something that is just so ... well ... HAPPY!  I did a crazy amount of google searching for this "extreme happy" so I hope that I made the correct final decision (I think I did):

Yep, I so went there!  But, this really is the extreme happy - watching the men and women fighting in our military for us every day being reunited with their loved ones is just an amazing sight!  So, I hope you all enjoyed and I'm guessing you all cried a few happy tears as well ;)  Now, time for bed for me so until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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