Saturday, March 28, 2015

Smiling's a GREAT Idea!

Howdy hey my Happy clan!  Happy Saturday Night!  I hope everyone had a super day and your evening is just as awesome, if not better :)  I had a really nice day, I didn't get as much done as I wanted to but Johnny and I did get to go have lunch with my girl and her amazing daughter.  We went and saw my old boss so she could say hello and I could say goodbye.  It was a really nice lunch and I'm really going to miss them!  I'm so grateful for the amazing people I've been lucky enough to work with for the past year and a half or so.  I'm glad I decided to go and visit him one more time before leaving, it was definitely a good idea because he was a great boss.

This makes me think about all the other "good ideas" we have in life.  So many times we think they're actually "bad ideas" so we never do anything about them.  But, in most cases, we only see them as bad ideas because they're difficult.  Like, for instance, saying goodbye to someone we care about.  However, I just look at it in a different way and instead of saying goodbye I now always say "See you later!".  Because that's what it really is - no matter what, one day we will all see each other again!  So, what could have been seen as a bad idea was easily transformed into a good idea.  Another example of something that could originally be viewed as a bad idea - going out with friends and spending money when money is tight so we should probably just stay home.  If we stay home, sure we save money, but we now just missed out on making memories with people we love and in the end it's the memories that really matter, not the possessions we stayed home to pay for.

See what I mean?  Some of those bad ideas are actually good ideas - you just have to make sure you're looking at the idea properly.  Now, don't get me wrong, there are most definitely bad ideas.  I could list so many of them for you right now, and I'm sure you have your own list you could share ;)  But instead, I'm going to turn these bad ideas around and make them our Happy for tonight!  I'm sure a lot of you know the cartoon, Animaniacs.  If you don't, WHY?!?!  Well, it is a hilarious WB cartoon that ran from 1993-1998.  It's one of my favorite childhood shows!  Well, anyways, they used to have this little skit called "Good Idea Bad Idea" and to this day I crack up watching it.  So, since it fits so well with my rant today, I thought I'd share with you a complete Good Idea Bad Idea compilation I found on YouTube.  I hope you all get a nice laugh or at least giggle from this:

Wasn't that just great!!!  Man, I miss that show.  I hope it's available on DVD soon :)  Anyways, I'm going to go snuggle with Johnny before he falls asleep so until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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