Friday, April 10, 2015

A brand new day to smile!

Happy Friday afternoon my Happy clan!  I hope everyone is having a fantabulous day so far!!  My day has been grand :)  I got Johnny all set up for school and he starts back up on Monday.  He is so excited because he gets to go back to his old school with his old friends!  I got some laundry done and was able to rearrange our little temporary room to give us a little more room to move around.  I also heard back and our taxes were done in time and will be filed on time as well.  Three cheers for getting stuff accomplished!!  It's such a great feeling, good way to add to my already happy life :)

I noticed that even though moving from AZ back to Chicago was quite a trying moment in time, things are going so very smoothly for us.  And I know we have God to thank for that.  We've had multiple hiccups along the way as well, but even those are being taken care of nice and smoothly.  I have such a wonderful comforting feeling ... It's been awhile since I've felt so at ease.  I am a happy person and I do always look for the happy moment in every situation but even I get a little stressed out sometimes.  I still press on working past those moments but they still happen.  During our preparation of the move things were probably the most stressful they've ever been.  I was taking a lot of deep breaths and saying a lot of silent prayers.  I was calling a lot of my friends and searching for positive and uplifting quotes to keep me on the right side of life.  And it all worked, I kept my happy and was able to stay the smiling Karen you all know!

However, since I've been back at my Mom's, I've felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders.  During this whole process we kept telling ourselves that in the end everything was going to be okay and that we were going to be taken care of.  And we dealt with each of our battles one at a time and kept moving forward!!  I see that light at the end of our dark tunnel and know there is so much good waiting for us at the other side and for the first time in a long time I am not stressing about anything!!  It's true what they say, you gotta fall in order to mend.  Well, Joshua Radin actually said that in his song Brand New Day.  And guess what, that song is your Happy for today.  I chose a video of this song that I found on YouTube.  The person who put this video together did such an amazing job and used such beautiful pictures as well, plus they included lyrics, which is what I really want you to hear anyways so yay for us!!

I really hope you enjoyed this video at least as half as much as I do because then I know you were smiling and it made you happy which means I did my job!!  And I welcome you to come back and listen to it any time you want as well :)  I know I still have one more post that I need to catch up so you might have an extremely happy day today because I'm going to try and get it posted for you tonight.  But, until then, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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