Sunday, April 19, 2015

Being happy doesn't have to be difficult

A very Happy Sunday evening to you all my Happy clan!  I hope everyone had an absolutely wonderful weekend and continue on to have a fantastic rest of your evening :)  My weekend was so nice but went way too quickly.  I guess that's how life is though, just keeps on moving whether you want it to or not.  Which is why I'm so glad that I have such a happy life because it may go fast but I enjoy every moment!!

We are now more than halfway through April, so you've had over 100 posts to keep you happy as well... So, are you happier than you used to be?  Are you reminding yourself everyday what an amazing person you are and how lucky we are to have another day with you in it?  I sure hope so - because it's true!!

Now, I did intend for that to give you a smile, however, that is not your Happy for today.  Today I am sharing a poem with you that I found while searching around on Google.  It's written by a very talented author, Helen Steiner Rice.  It's a very simple poem all about how simple it is to be happy - which is pretty much what I've been trying to tell you daily ;)  So, I give you today's Happy:

Help Yourself to Happiness
By Helen Steiner Rice

Everybody, everywhere
seeks happiness, it's true,
But finding it and keeping it
seem difficult to do.
Difficult because we think
that happiness is found
Only in the places where
wealth and fame abound.
And so we go on searching
in palaces of pleasure
Seeking recognition
and monetary treasure,
Unaware that happiness
is just a state of mind
Within the reach of everyone
who takes time to be kind.
For in making others happy
we will be happy, too.
For the happiness you give away
returns to shine on you.

Isn't that just the sweetest?!  And it's so true too.  To be frank, making you all happy is one of the biggest things that makes me happy!  Knowing I'm making someone smile and feel a little better does so much for my soul, so thank you for allowing me to make you happier!  But now it is time for me to go and snuggle with my Matty and our Dukey as we watch a movie before we fall asleep.  So until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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