Sunday, January 10, 2016

Part 3 - A Happy Finale

Hello again my Happy clan!  Have we all been enjoying the 2 parts of your 3-part Happy thus far?  As promised I am back again to share the grand finale of your Happy Trilogy for the weekend!  We've had our dancing Happy, our poetic Happy and now it's time for our Happy through song!

I've shared a lot of songs with all of you in this Happy blog and I know I've repeated a song here and there, but this is a song I've never shared on here before.  However, I have a feeling I will share this one again.  It's an amazing melody with such awesomely wonderful lyrics!  It's also one of my all time favorite songs and I'm so very shocked I've never shared it before but that's probably because I was sharing it for an extra special post, and here is that post!!!  Here is, Brand New Day by Joshua Radin.

Now, I want you all to get a peaceful and wonderful night's sleep - and to those of you who are just starting their day I hope it's an amazing one!!!  However, it is my bed time so it's off to slumber I go.  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love & Happiness!
Karen :)

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