Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Don't let life control you - you control life!!

So, here's your Happy for last night.  I tried to write it under my blanket while everyone was sleeping but hiding under such warmth in the darkness was not a good combination for me.  Yep, I fell asleep!  However, I have a very simple message for this Happy to remind you to never give up:

The moment you give up is the moment you will not succeed.  The moment you let someone bring you down is the moment you lose.  The moment you stop trying is the moment you fail!  You can't fail, you can't lose, you CAN succeed - you just have to believe in yourself and not let anything or anyone make you think differently!!!  Now, go be the best you that you can be and until tonight, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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