Monday, April 13, 2015

Friendships are priceless...

Happy Monday morning my Happy clan!  It's been quite a while since I've been able to write a Happy while the sun was still shining, and even more so before noon.  So, since I am up and ready to write, I have decided to finally give you all your missing Happy!

It's been a really great day so far - Johnny is back in school today and he's so excited to be back with his old friends.  It's hard switching schools in the middle of the school year so I am beyond ecstatic that he gets to go where he knows people.  Not to mention, his old best friend is there too!!  He was pretty nervous this morning, he even told me he had butterflies in his stomach.  But knowing that his friends were going to be there to help him get through the day made him much more relaxed.  It's pretty awesome how friends can do that for you, isn't it?  Life can be so difficult sometimes so it's nice knowing that you have friends to help you through.  Yes, we have our family - but our friends choose to be a part of our life.  They don't have to be, yet they are still there!

When we made the decision 2 years ago to move to Arizona from Chicago, I'm not going to lie, I was scared and I didn't really want to go.  I had just turned 33 years old and I had already made my friends.  I didn't want to leave all my friends and start all over making new ones.  I knew that I'd always still have my friends to depend on, but it wasn't going to be the same.  I couldn't just run over to my bestie's for a half hour to talk or just hang for a little while.  I couldn't go for a birthday drink with everyone when someone was celebrating.  I couldn't call someone to run over real quick to help me with something because Matt's at work and wouldn't be back all day.  Everything was going to change - I was going to be on my own (besides Matt and Johnny of course) for the first time in my life and I was scared!!!  Luckily I did have one friend who lived in AZ but unfortunately she didn't live very close and we knew visits wouldn't be as often as we hoped they would.

Matt quickly became friends with the guys he worked with and I met quite a few of them as well.  They were really nice and I felt very welcomed with all of them, but it wasn't the same.  One night, one of his buddies asked if we'd like to go out for the evening with him and his wife.  I was just happy to get out for an evening so we, of course, said yes.  We met at the bar and I immediately clicked with them.  They were a great couple and super fun to hang around.  Sure, they were a little younger than us, but they didn't act it.  Just because you know how to have fun doesn't mean you're not mature.  The four of us became quite close and before I knew it, I had 2 new amazing friends!  Just like that I had a girlfriend to call and hang with and because we all got along, we now had a couple to go out with or just hang out with.

About 6 months later, things started getting tight at the house and I had to get a part time job to help with the bills.  There was a pizza place right down the street from me so I figured, why not give them a call.  The next day I had my interview and was hired.  I was the back-up counter girl, so I pretty much kept the restaurant clean, took care of stock, answered phones and helped with customers if the line got too long.  The main counter girl is a year older than me and we immediately got along.  We had so much in common, starting off with our work ethic.  As we worked more and more together we got closer and closer.  At the same time, I started becoming good friends with one of our delivery drivers.  He was so great - answered all my questions, helped me get stuff from the higher shelves (I'm 5'3" - he's well over 6'... not even going to guess how tall he is) and wasn't afraid to joke around with me.  I got along with pretty much everyone there, but these two become a huge part of my life.  I knew that I'd have a forever friendship with them!

Within two years of moving from the place I lived my entire life to a strange desert where I pretty much knew nobody I had gained 4 new friends that I will be holding on to for the rest of my life!!  I always thought when Matt said that it was time to move back home I would be ready to run the second he said it, but I wasn't.  I was a little sad to leave my new friends.  But, they all made sure to let me know that they weren't going anywhere and we would always be friends, no matter the distance!  Which is what all my friends did when I first moved away.

I have been so very blessed in my, almost, 35 years of living on this earth.  God has given me an incredible family, a husband that is beyond greater than I could have dreamed, a son more amazing and wonderful than I knew existed, 2 furry babies that love me like no others and friends that I would be completely lost without!  I may not have a lot of money, I definitely don't have a lot of possessions, we don't have the latest and greatest technology but I am richer than anyone I know!  I have what really matters in life, LOVE!!!!  And so much of it too!

So, now maybe you can understand why I'm always so happy - and this exact reason is why you should always be happy too!!  You are so very blessed and richer than you know because you are loved!  Even if you don't believe it, you are.  I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And I can't even begin to tell you how thankful I am that you love me!  Thank you all for being there for me and for always giving me another reason to smile every day!!!

Now, I'm going to go have some lunch so until this evening, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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