Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Keep Looking Up!

Good Morning my Happy Clan and a very Happy Wednesday to all of you!  I was sick in bed with the flu most of yesterday and I ended up passing out completely before I had a chance to write your Happy.  Which is why you are getting a morning Happy and an evening Happy today!  And I have the perfect Happy to start our day off with!

This morning's Happy is a song by the band Safetysuit.  I had never heard of this band before - but on my way to work a few days ago this played on the radio and I immediately knew it would have to be shared as a Happy!  The song is called Looking Up and the lyrics are included.

Now, go out today and have yourself a fantastic day!  Pay attention to all the good that comes your way and keep telling yourself that things are going to be okay, keep seeing the positive side of life and keep looking up!!!  Until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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