Thursday, January 14, 2016

Smile yourself to sleep!

Happy Thursday night my Happy clan!  How was everyone's day today?  Mine was quite nice!  It was long with a lot of madness that flowed through but still a very nice day!  I'm incredibly tired though and so ready for bed, but lately I have a really hard time falling asleep knowing that I haven't posted a daily happy for you all!  However, tonight is another late nighter for me so unfortunately it's another quickie Happy today.  But, a Happy is a Happy no matter what, right?  I know it is for me - I'll take a Happy any chance I can get one :)

Tonight I'd like to send you off to bed with a giant smile on your face, so tonight I'm sharing a simple quote that should most definitely help you be Happy!

This is what I try to follow on a daily basis and I think this is what you all should start doing too!  Always make sure you share your smile with the world and help put a smile on every one else's faces!!  So until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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