Monday, August 31, 2015

Smile - it's Monday!

Happy Monday my Happy clan!  I hope everyone is doing well so far this morning!  This is me today...

I'm in quite the joyful mood today and ready to spread some happiness!!

So... After writing that my day became busy but I kept my smile on and passed some happiness around!  I hope you all did as well...

But now it's time for me to spread some happiness to all of you so, before time gets away from me again, here we go!  Your Happy today is just a bunch of silly pictures to show you why Monday is indeed Smile-Worthy!

I hope this brought a smile to all of your faces and until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Sunday, August 30, 2015

It's always a good time to be silly!

Happy Sunday night my Happy clan!  So, tonight I just wanted to give a quick, simple and silly Happy for you all to end the week with...

I hope you all have a very Happy Happy Joy Joy night and new week to come!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Make time for happiness

Happy Saturday night my Happy clan!  Sorry I've been so behind with my Happies lately.  I've been working eon much lately, we are finally moved back into our house but still have so much work that has to get done, Johnny's back in school and we need to get training set up for Duke.  Lots and lots to do and just not enough time in the day... But not having enough time to spread some happiness just isn't okay for me so I will no longer miss writing our Happy blog!  In fact, my goal is to write a morning and evening Happy from here on out.

Today's Happy is a reminder that no matter how busy life can get you must never be too busy to be happy!  So much happens in life - some bad, but most of it is good.  You just can't let yourself get consumed in the negativity that tries to work its way in but instead let misery be alone and you just keep loving and enjoying each moment of your life!

Sometimes I hear people say how miserable life is and that it's like living in hell... That makes me sad - how can some people see it like that?  Life is so amazing and wonderful!  All the incredibly awesome gifts we are blessed with all the time!!!  Daily sunrises and sunsets, thunderstorms and rainbows, family and friends, any type of bought possession, children's smiles and laughter and lots and lots and lots more!!!  Everywhere you go there is some sort 8f happiness, you just have to keep your eyes open and allow yourself to see it.  Remember, how you view life is all up to you...

Until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Thursday, August 27, 2015

If you keep on believing!

Just thought I'd end (or start for some of you) the day with a few more reminders to keep living your dream!!!  Until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Dream on...

Happy Thursday my Happy clan!  And how is everyone's day so far today?  I hope going well!  Mine has been wonderful and I plan to keep it that way!  I know some of you are probably wondering where yesterday's Happy is... Well, I decided I did not want to give you a new wacky task just yet as I think we all need to keep hugging one another so your wacky task is still going from last week so today I'm giving you two Happies, one now and one later!

Your first Happy is just a positive reinforcement to keep striving for what you dream!!  Have you ever told someone what you want to be when you grow up or who you want to meet one day or where you'd like to travel someday soon and they responded with "Keep dreaming!"?  Even if it's not how they meant it, they're so right... KEEP DREAMING and keep moving forward and one day your dream will come true!  Of course it's not going to if you give up or stop trying so never stop reaching for that dream, no matter how far-fetched it may seem to some!  Dreams are a wonderfully amazing thing and we all have them.  Some of us fight for those dreams while others refuse to let themselves believe they can become a reality.  Well, they can but only if you allow them to!  Aerosmith said it perfectly - Dream until your dreams come true!!  Dreams aren't just for sleeping anymore...

So, go and live your dreams and keep trying to reach those you haven't yet!  Never give up!!!  And until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

A message of love!

Happy Tuesday my Happy clan! Hope everyone is doing well today!  I've had quite the busy day already today but its been great!!  I'm still so incredibly busy and feel like I haven't stopped in weeks but its okay.  That's life and you just have to keep moving forward before it has a chance to pull you under!

However, as you're going through life and all its ups and downs and twists and turns and dips and spins... Are you making sure to keep a positive outlook? Are you spreading love and joy?  Are you helping others up along the way?  You may not know it but we all play a part in everyone's lives - whether we know the person or not.  You see, our purpose in life is to love one another and live as one in peace, love and happiness!  Everyone is always asking what our purpose is - well there's your answer!  We're learning to love which is the easiest thing in the world for us all to do!!!

God told us to love one another ... Not to judge, not to act like we're better, not to brag or be boastful, not to argue or fight.  We are told to love ... That's it!!!  And that's the best way to know God as well, by loving!  It's also the best way to live!  I know many people who have hurt me or wronged me or bullied me or treated me poorly but I still love and forgive each and every single one of them.  Because if I stay angry or hold a grudge I'm no better than the person who was unkind.  All I'm doing is spreading the message that it's okay to be mean or cruel and that's not the message I want to spread.  We need to spread love and we need to start right now!!!  It's called a chain reaction but in order for there to be a reaction it needs to be started!

So go out there and love!  Spread joy not sorrow!  Let's show this world that love truly does conquer all!!!  Until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Start on a positive note!

Until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Friday, August 21, 2015

Start Celebrating!

Happy Friday my Happy clan!  It's such a beautiful morning!!  The sun is shining, the birds are singing and there's not a cloud in sight!!!  And that's how I'm envisioning how my day is going to be... Full of sunshine and wonderfulness!  I have plenty I can complain about but I refuse to dwell on anything negative or unpleasant.  Yes, I know there is bad but if you move past that and only focus on the goodness and happiness and stuff that makes you full of joy than the bad will slowly start to melt away.

Now think if everyone started living that way...  Wow!  Life would be nothing but sunshine and love and peaceful moments!  Don't you wish that's how life could be?  Well, then go make it happen!!  Stop complaining about the bad things in the world and start focusing on all the good you have and have experienced.  No, I'm not saying you can't vent about things - of course you can!  I do it all the time!  But, vent and then end it with a "but, I'm blessed because..." and start listing all the good things in your life.  Soon, you'll not only stop thinking about the bad that was trying to bring you down but you'll be in a newly glorified joyous state!  You're body starts feeling the happiness all over!  See how simple it is - a little positive thought goes a very long way!!!

So today, for your Happy, I want you to be super annoyingly positive!  Let the bad roll off of you and let the good soak in and radiate off of you!  Allow yourself to be happy and to spread that happiness around!!  And until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Be huggable!

Happy Wednesday morning my Happy clan!  I hope everyone is having a beautiful morning so far!  I'm just waking up and about to start getting ready for work, but I fell asleep before I could share your Happy from last night and I don't want to chance that happening again so I decided I'm writing your Happy before I even get out of bed today!  And it's Wacky Task Wednesday today!  Yay!!!  I love Wacky Task Wednesday! :)

First we're going to see how you did with your last task.  Yes, I am aware that last week I did not give you a task, which I was not pleased about but that's why I'm getting a head start on your Happy post today.  So, two weeks ago I told you all to try and catch at least one sunrise... You had two weeks to do it this time, so how many sunrises were you able to see?  I, personally, was up early enough to see 3 of them and I am so glad I did.  I love my sunsets but forgot how very much I love the beauty of a sunrise as well.  I have a feeling that once we get fully moved back into our house I'll be catching a lot more sunrises and I can't wait!!

This week's Wacky Task might be a little difficult for some of you.  But don't let it be!  This week, I want you to be more huggable!  This week I want you to try and hug as many people as you can.  Whether it's family, friends or complete strangers - pass out your hugs!  A hug is an incredible thing and as simple as it is, it makes such a huge impact on people.  Hugs bring joy, hugs provide comfort, hugs remind others you love them, hugs help you say "See you later" and "Welcome home" and most importantly, hugs are the perfect reminder that even the smallest gesture can make the biggest impact on someone's life!  And hugs are free!!!  You can give hugs out all day without ever worrying how you're going to get your next hug.  Here is a poem by Shel Silverstein called "Hug of War".  Since I was a young girl this has been one of my all time favorite poems and it's exactly how I feel too!
Hugging and loving one another is a much better way to live life!  Life is so much more enjoyable when you are loving one another and spreading peace and happiness!  After all, that's what life is all about, loving our brothers and sisters and learning to live as one!  We all deserve to be loved and we all deserve hugs!!  So, go be huggable this week ... and every week for that matter.  Remember, hugs were invented to let people know you love them without having to say anything!  Now, go out and there and hug and until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Love the little moments...

Happy Tuesday night my Happy clan!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful evening and I hope you all had a fantastic day!  I had an excellent day at work, there was a huge thunderstorm with tornado warnings so we all chilled downstairs for a bit - and our dog Duke was afraid of the stairs so I had to carry him down - and now I'm chilling with my boys watching "Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey"!  I love exciting and unpredictable days like today :)

I truly love fun and entertaining nights like tonight!  It really does make for a better night's sleep.  And late night fun can be anything, from watching a movie to sitting outside enjoying the stars to reading a book by a candle lit room.  It all depends on you honestly.  You have to allow yourself to enjoy every moment, especially those small moments that seem like nothing but in reality they are everything!

Little moments make up the biggest memories and that's what I'm focusing on with your Happy tonight.  Life is filled with so many little moments, and these little moments are what make life so memorable and amazing.  That little hug from a friend when you're feeling down, that simple phone call from someone you haven't talked to in a while, that extra cookie your child shares with you, these are all small examples of those little moments that make such big impacts.

Now, get out there and start enjoying all those little moments in your life and you'll stop sweating the other stuff because soon you'll find the other stuff doesn't matter as much!!  Until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Monday, August 17, 2015

Dream on...

Sweet dreams to you all!!!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Saturday, August 15, 2015

You're awesome!

Hi-dilly-ho my Happy clan!  Happy Saturday!!  I hope you all had a fantastic day and are having a marvelous evening! My day was busy as usual but absolutely wonderful!  I got early snuggles from my Johnny before heading to work, I had a super busy and eventful day at work, my Cubbies won (WOOHOO!!!!!) and now I'm chilling with my Matty, a couple of my sissies and a buddy of my sister's around a bonfire. Life is truly awesome!

The reason is because of all of you though!  You all are awesome - and so am I!  We all need to start remembering that we're awesome and start acting like it.  We are the reason life is good and I love all you awesome people in the world!  Each and every single one of you!!

Today's Happy is a reminder to all of you that you ARE indeed awesome ... That every one is!

Now, go be awesome and love all the other awesome people and just enjoy every awesome moment!!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Friday, August 14, 2015

Late night smile

Good evening my Happy clan!  And a very happy Friday night to all of you! I hope everyone had a wonderful day. My day was really nice, extremely busy, once again, but very nice. I will say though, that I was a little disappointed in myself when I woke up this morning and realized it has been over two days since I last wrote you a Happy.  Work has been extremely busy, but there are so many important things I also need to take care of besides work. Writing your Happies is one of those important things.

I never realize that right movies we become so important to me. These past couple of days have been very busy and very stressful. All I've wanted to do is write a happy, not just for you but for myself as well. I find myself getting my laptop and setting things up to start writing and the next thing I know is it's morning and the laptop is on the ground next to me. I understand that sleep is very important. This is why I don't sleep. Also because my body is tired and want to allow me to stay awake. But I would much rather write a happy blog for all of you then sleep.

However, since my body is starting to feel all tired like, once again, I am going to write this for you and then go to sleep. And since I always say a prayer before bedtime I thought it would be nice to share a personal prayer with all of you.

Dear God,
Thank you once again for an amazing day! Thank you for giving me another chance on this planet that you created. . And, most importantly, thank you for all of the friends and family you have blessed me with. Please be with all of those that I love and help them. Please comfort those who are hurting and please be with those who are celebrating!  Thank you for all that you give me and for all that you can do those I love. Please continue to be with all of us and keep your loving arms around us as well!
I aske l this in your son, Jesus's name, Amen!

And now it's off to bed I go. And to those of you who are still awake, you should probably go to bef as well. I hope you all have very sweet dreams and sleep wonderfully. And until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

A little prayer for you...

Happy Tuesday night my Happy clan!  Tonight's Happy is a prayer that I am sending out for each and every one of you!

I hope you all have the sweetest of dreams and get an amazingly peaceful sleep!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Unite in Love!!!

Happy Tuesday my Happy clan!  Yes, I do know that I did not post anything yesterday - but that's because it was too late and the Happy I want to share with you for yesterday is something I think that everyone should see.  If I post too late it might not get seen by enough people...

Your Happy is a speech about uniting together as one - the whole world - in love!  This is by far one of the greatest speeches EVER!!!  And I want you all not just to watch it but share it and even more importantly, LIVE IT!!!  This was said 70 years ago - I think it's about time we as people start loving more and stop letting hate and greed take us down...

Go out and love your brothers and sisters!  Unite in love!  It's much easier and happier to love than it is to hate!  Until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Sunday, August 9, 2015

It's okay to cry...

Happy Sunday night my Happy clan.  I hope everyone had a wonderful day.  My day was very nice, extremely long again but overall it was a nice day.  I'm definitely ready for bed though - I can barely hold my head up lately... But it's okay.  I know that life is hard and that there are going to be moments that really bring us down, but in the end it always turns out okay.

However, I do know that sometimes we all need to cry.  And it's okay to cry!  In fact, surprisingly, that's your Happy today.  There are some that say that crying is a sign of weakness, but they couldn't be further from the truth.  Crying is a sign that you're not only alive but that you have a heart!  And crying is actually quite good for the soul and can be just what you need to help put a smile back on your face.  Even the strongest people cry, whether they admit it or not.  The following is a quote I found to show just how happy a good cry can be...

So, let yourself have that good cry every once in awhile.  Cry - let it out!  Don't be ashamed because everyone cries... Let it wash away all the sadness and ickiness that is overtaking your soul and then afterwards, get up, smile and keep moving forward!!!

Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Live and love your life!

Happy very late Saturday night (or very early Sunday morning) my Happy clan!  I hope everyone has a fantastic day today!  Mine was absolutely splendid!!  I went to a baby shower for my very dear friend, I got to spend lots of time with my boys and, even though it's super late (and I have to work in the morning), I got to chill with my sister and sister-in-law for a bit because I brought them home from the Tim McGraw concert.  Definitely a wonderful day!!!  

It's such an awesome feeling enjoying every moment life throws at you, even though there's bad stuff that tries to get in the way.  I love that I've learned to almost completely ignore the bad and just enjoy every great moment that I've been blessed with!  It's not always easy but it gets easier every day... I hope that you all are starting to view life the same way too!  I know it's a struggle, though, which is why I keep writing these happies!  And today is no different!!  

Today's Happy I'm going to share with you the lyrics to a song by Tim McGraw.  It's such a powerful song that solidifies the importance of how short life is and that you should enjoy and love every second that you are alive!  The song is "Live Like You Were Dying"...

He said: "I was in my early forties,
"With a lot of life before me,
"An' a moment came that stopped me on a dime.
"I spent most of the next days,
"Looking at the x-rays,
"An' talking 'bout the options an' talkin’ ‘bout sweet time."
I asked him when it sank in,
That this might really be the real end?
How’s it hit you when you get that kind of news?
Man whatcha do? 

An' he said: "I went sky diving, I went rocky mountain climbing,
"I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu.
"And I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter,
"And I gave forgiveness I'd been denying."
An' he said: "Some day, I hope you get the chance,
"To live like you were dyin'." 

He said "I was finally the husband,
"That most the time I wasn’t.
"An' I became a friend a friend would like to have.
"And all of a sudden goin' fishin’,
"Wasn’t such an imposition,
"And I went three times that year I lost my Dad.
"Well, I finally read the Good Book,
"And I took a good long hard look,
"At what I'd do if I could do it all again,
"And then: 

"I went sky diving, I went rocky mountain climbing,
"I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu.
"And I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter,
"And I gave forgiveness I'd been denying."
An' he said: "Some day, I hope you get the chance,
"To live like you were dyin'." 

Like tomorrow was a gift,
And you got eternity,
To think about what you’d do with it.
An' what did you do with it?
An' what can I do with it?
An' what would I do with it? 

"Sky diving, I went rocky mountain climbing,
"I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu.
"And then I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter,
"And I watched Blue Eagle as it was flyin'."
An' he said: "Some day, I hope you get the chance,
"To live like you were dyin'." 

Now, get some sleep and when you get up - LIVE!!  And enjoy your life - stop holding grudges.  Stop letting silly things upset you.  Stop judging others!  Live and love your life!!!!!  And until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Saturday, August 8, 2015

A happy reason...

Happy Saturday my Happy clan!  This is actually your post from last night - I kind of fell asleep while trying to write it.  This Happy is just an explanation to all of you of why I write these...

And that, my friends, is why I do this!  So, smile and remember that you are loved and life is great and help others have happy lives!!!  Until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Love lights the way!

Happy Thursday night my Happy clan!  It was a super long day so for today's Happy.  I have a super to the point Happy to share with all of you!  This is a quote by the brilliant Martin Lither King Jr. and is one of the smartest things I've ever read!

Now, go spread the light and the love and stop the hate and darkness!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Rise like the sun!

Happy Wednesday my Happy clan!  Yes, I know its very late and yes I do know it's Wacky Task Wednesday... I've been pretty much nonstop all day so I apologize for the late post but late is always better than never, don't you agree?

First, how did everyone do with their task from last week? How many on the list did you do?  I haven't finished all of them quite yet but I'm still having fun with last week's still :)  I hope you all are as well! 

Normally I would have a lot more to say but I'm super tired and have an even longer day ahead of me tomorrow so I'm going to get straight to your Happy/Task.  This week, I want every single one of you to get up early enough to see the sun rise!  You only have to do it once but your more than welcome to watch as many as you'd like!!  I know that for some of you getting up that early isn't wacky - it's insane!  And some of you, this may be normal, but I still want you to do it.  A sunrise is such a beautiful sight and means so much!  Its now just the sun rising you'll be witnessing but also a promise of a new day and the hope for a new tomorrow! 

So go - enjoy your sunrise and the amazing day that will follow afterwards!!  And until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Laugh at life!

Good Morning my Happy clan!  I hope everyone's day is starting off splendidly!  I'm set and ready to head off to work, just have to get my Johnny up :)

Since I'm so ahead of the game today, I decided I was going to write a morning Happy for all of you!  And since it's a Tuesday, I thought it would be nice to have a day that we can laugh at.  So, I'm going to make today's Happy a bunch of corny, but clever, jokes!

  • What's the best thing about Switzerland?  I don't know, but their flag is a huge plus!
  • I'm not addicted to break fluid, I can stop whenever I want...
  • "I stand corrected" said the man in the orthopedic shoes.
  • It takes a lot of balls to golf like me.
  • Nostalgia isn't what it used to be...
  • Where do you find a cow with no legs?  Right where you left it!
  • What does a nosy pepper do?  Gets Jalapeno business!
  • How do you make a tissue dance?  Put a little boogey in it!
  • What do you call a midget fortune teller that escaped prison?  A small medium at large!
  • Why does Snoop Dog carry an umbrella?  Fo Drizzle!
  • I wrote a song about a tortilla... Well, actually, it's more of a wrap.
  • I went to an emotional wedding.  Even the cake was in tiers!
  • Want to hear a pizza joke?  Never mind, it's pretty cheesy.
  • Dry erase boards are remarkable!
  • How do you make holy water?  Boil the hell out of it!!
Now, go out and laugh today!  Enjoy life - ever single second of it!  And if something tries to make you feel sad or down, read a joke or two and get yourself smiling and hopefully laughing again!!  And until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Monday, August 3, 2015

Don't be afraid of the dark...

Happy Monday night my Happy clan!  How is everyone doing today?  I hope all of you had a marvelous day and, if you're still awake, I hope you're having a fantastic evening, if you're in bed already, I hope you're having a peaceful sleep with amazingly wonderful dreams!!  I had a marvelous day today!  I got to hang out with my Johnny all morning long, then in the afternoon I got to hang with my sister-in-law while Johnny hung out with a few of his cousins.  I didn't get a lot accomplished but I don't care, today was a day filled with quality time!!

I'm so thankful for all the daily "rainbows" I've been receiving during these "storms" we've been going through.  There are so many moments when things look so dark and seem so frightening and it feels like the world is going to swallow you up whole... I know, I've been there too.  But you have to press on, you can't let the darkness win.  You have to keep the faith and never lose hope and stay strong!  You cannot be afraid of the darkness - remember, you are never alone.  Even though sometimes it seems that way, you're not!  Just believe and keep pressing on and you will make it through!  You'll end up being a lot stronger and happier too :)

Tonight's Happy is another song, and it's performed by the same artist I shared yesterday, Celtic Woman.  However, I was mistaken - this is an Irish Women Group, not just one singer.  So, here's Celtic Woman performing another one of my all time favorites, "You'll Never Walk Alone" from the musical Carousel.

So, please, stay strong and keep your faith and never lose your hope.  Bad times come sometimes but you will get past them!!  Remember you are loved and you are NEVER alone!!!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Sunday, August 2, 2015

You must believe!

Happy Sunday night my Happy clan!  How was everyone's weekend?  Mine was pretty busy once again but pretty awesome!  I got a promotion at work, Johnny came home from visiting his grandparents (and he had a superbly fantastic time) and we had a birthday celebration for my bestie and it was a trivia party and our team won!  Lots going on but I enjoyed every second of it.

I have to say, life has been very difficult this past year.  There have many times that I wanted to throw in the towel and let the negativity and worry and fear take me under.  I know we all feel that way sometimes, unfortunately, but no matter what we are going through in our lives, we will always find a way to overcome the bad.  You just have to believe!  Believe in yourself!  Believe in your hope!  Believe in your faith!  Just BELIEVE!!!!  Yes, I do know that sometimes it's a lot easier said than done - but I promise you, miracles happen every day and they always happen when they're supposed to.

I actually can say a lot more on this topic, but I want to share a song with you instead because it says it much prettier :)  It's a song from the movie "The Prince of Egypt".  I've never heard this version before today and I just love this!!  This is one of my all time favorite songs and I now have a new favorite version!  Here's When You Believe performed by Celtic Woman (Chloe Agnew).

So, are you getting my point?  I hope so - but just to drive it in a little further, remember - always believe!!!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

Saturday, August 1, 2015


Wanted to send out a Happy reminder for your Happy today - just a quick and to the point one today!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)