Sunday, August 9, 2015

It's okay to cry...

Happy Sunday night my Happy clan.  I hope everyone had a wonderful day.  My day was very nice, extremely long again but overall it was a nice day.  I'm definitely ready for bed though - I can barely hold my head up lately... But it's okay.  I know that life is hard and that there are going to be moments that really bring us down, but in the end it always turns out okay.

However, I do know that sometimes we all need to cry.  And it's okay to cry!  In fact, surprisingly, that's your Happy today.  There are some that say that crying is a sign of weakness, but they couldn't be further from the truth.  Crying is a sign that you're not only alive but that you have a heart!  And crying is actually quite good for the soul and can be just what you need to help put a smile back on your face.  Even the strongest people cry, whether they admit it or not.  The following is a quote I found to show just how happy a good cry can be...

So, let yourself have that good cry every once in awhile.  Cry - let it out!  Don't be ashamed because everyone cries... Let it wash away all the sadness and ickiness that is overtaking your soul and then afterwards, get up, smile and keep moving forward!!!

Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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