Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Be huggable!

Happy Wednesday morning my Happy clan!  I hope everyone is having a beautiful morning so far!  I'm just waking up and about to start getting ready for work, but I fell asleep before I could share your Happy from last night and I don't want to chance that happening again so I decided I'm writing your Happy before I even get out of bed today!  And it's Wacky Task Wednesday today!  Yay!!!  I love Wacky Task Wednesday! :)

First we're going to see how you did with your last task.  Yes, I am aware that last week I did not give you a task, which I was not pleased about but that's why I'm getting a head start on your Happy post today.  So, two weeks ago I told you all to try and catch at least one sunrise... You had two weeks to do it this time, so how many sunrises were you able to see?  I, personally, was up early enough to see 3 of them and I am so glad I did.  I love my sunsets but forgot how very much I love the beauty of a sunrise as well.  I have a feeling that once we get fully moved back into our house I'll be catching a lot more sunrises and I can't wait!!

This week's Wacky Task might be a little difficult for some of you.  But don't let it be!  This week, I want you to be more huggable!  This week I want you to try and hug as many people as you can.  Whether it's family, friends or complete strangers - pass out your hugs!  A hug is an incredible thing and as simple as it is, it makes such a huge impact on people.  Hugs bring joy, hugs provide comfort, hugs remind others you love them, hugs help you say "See you later" and "Welcome home" and most importantly, hugs are the perfect reminder that even the smallest gesture can make the biggest impact on someone's life!  And hugs are free!!!  You can give hugs out all day without ever worrying how you're going to get your next hug.  Here is a poem by Shel Silverstein called "Hug of War".  Since I was a young girl this has been one of my all time favorite poems and it's exactly how I feel too!
Hugging and loving one another is a much better way to live life!  Life is so much more enjoyable when you are loving one another and spreading peace and happiness!  After all, that's what life is all about, loving our brothers and sisters and learning to live as one!  We all deserve to be loved and we all deserve hugs!!  So, go be huggable this week ... and every week for that matter.  Remember, hugs were invented to let people know you love them without having to say anything!  Now, go out and there and hug and until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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