Saturday, August 29, 2015

Make time for happiness

Happy Saturday night my Happy clan!  Sorry I've been so behind with my Happies lately.  I've been working eon much lately, we are finally moved back into our house but still have so much work that has to get done, Johnny's back in school and we need to get training set up for Duke.  Lots and lots to do and just not enough time in the day... But not having enough time to spread some happiness just isn't okay for me so I will no longer miss writing our Happy blog!  In fact, my goal is to write a morning and evening Happy from here on out.

Today's Happy is a reminder that no matter how busy life can get you must never be too busy to be happy!  So much happens in life - some bad, but most of it is good.  You just can't let yourself get consumed in the negativity that tries to work its way in but instead let misery be alone and you just keep loving and enjoying each moment of your life!

Sometimes I hear people say how miserable life is and that it's like living in hell... That makes me sad - how can some people see it like that?  Life is so amazing and wonderful!  All the incredibly awesome gifts we are blessed with all the time!!!  Daily sunrises and sunsets, thunderstorms and rainbows, family and friends, any type of bought possession, children's smiles and laughter and lots and lots and lots more!!!  Everywhere you go there is some sort 8f happiness, you just have to keep your eyes open and allow yourself to see it.  Remember, how you view life is all up to you...

Until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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