Tuesday, August 25, 2015

A message of love!

Happy Tuesday my Happy clan! Hope everyone is doing well today!  I've had quite the busy day already today but its been great!!  I'm still so incredibly busy and feel like I haven't stopped in weeks but its okay.  That's life and you just have to keep moving forward before it has a chance to pull you under!

However, as you're going through life and all its ups and downs and twists and turns and dips and spins... Are you making sure to keep a positive outlook? Are you spreading love and joy?  Are you helping others up along the way?  You may not know it but we all play a part in everyone's lives - whether we know the person or not.  You see, our purpose in life is to love one another and live as one in peace, love and happiness!  Everyone is always asking what our purpose is - well there's your answer!  We're learning to love which is the easiest thing in the world for us all to do!!!

God told us to love one another ... Not to judge, not to act like we're better, not to brag or be boastful, not to argue or fight.  We are told to love ... That's it!!!  And that's the best way to know God as well, by loving!  It's also the best way to live!  I know many people who have hurt me or wronged me or bullied me or treated me poorly but I still love and forgive each and every single one of them.  Because if I stay angry or hold a grudge I'm no better than the person who was unkind.  All I'm doing is spreading the message that it's okay to be mean or cruel and that's not the message I want to spread.  We need to spread love and we need to start right now!!!  It's called a chain reaction but in order for there to be a reaction it needs to be started!

So go out there and love!  Spread joy not sorrow!  Let's show this world that love truly does conquer all!!!  Until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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