Monday, August 3, 2015

Don't be afraid of the dark...

Happy Monday night my Happy clan!  How is everyone doing today?  I hope all of you had a marvelous day and, if you're still awake, I hope you're having a fantastic evening, if you're in bed already, I hope you're having a peaceful sleep with amazingly wonderful dreams!!  I had a marvelous day today!  I got to hang out with my Johnny all morning long, then in the afternoon I got to hang with my sister-in-law while Johnny hung out with a few of his cousins.  I didn't get a lot accomplished but I don't care, today was a day filled with quality time!!

I'm so thankful for all the daily "rainbows" I've been receiving during these "storms" we've been going through.  There are so many moments when things look so dark and seem so frightening and it feels like the world is going to swallow you up whole... I know, I've been there too.  But you have to press on, you can't let the darkness win.  You have to keep the faith and never lose hope and stay strong!  You cannot be afraid of the darkness - remember, you are never alone.  Even though sometimes it seems that way, you're not!  Just believe and keep pressing on and you will make it through!  You'll end up being a lot stronger and happier too :)

Tonight's Happy is another song, and it's performed by the same artist I shared yesterday, Celtic Woman.  However, I was mistaken - this is an Irish Women Group, not just one singer.  So, here's Celtic Woman performing another one of my all time favorites, "You'll Never Walk Alone" from the musical Carousel.

So, please, stay strong and keep your faith and never lose your hope.  Bad times come sometimes but you will get past them!!  Remember you are loved and you are NEVER alone!!!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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