Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Laugh at life!

Good Morning my Happy clan!  I hope everyone's day is starting off splendidly!  I'm set and ready to head off to work, just have to get my Johnny up :)

Since I'm so ahead of the game today, I decided I was going to write a morning Happy for all of you!  And since it's a Tuesday, I thought it would be nice to have a day that we can laugh at.  So, I'm going to make today's Happy a bunch of corny, but clever, jokes!

  • What's the best thing about Switzerland?  I don't know, but their flag is a huge plus!
  • I'm not addicted to break fluid, I can stop whenever I want...
  • "I stand corrected" said the man in the orthopedic shoes.
  • It takes a lot of balls to golf like me.
  • Nostalgia isn't what it used to be...
  • Where do you find a cow with no legs?  Right where you left it!
  • What does a nosy pepper do?  Gets Jalapeno business!
  • How do you make a tissue dance?  Put a little boogey in it!
  • What do you call a midget fortune teller that escaped prison?  A small medium at large!
  • Why does Snoop Dog carry an umbrella?  Fo Drizzle!
  • I wrote a song about a tortilla... Well, actually, it's more of a wrap.
  • I went to an emotional wedding.  Even the cake was in tiers!
  • Want to hear a pizza joke?  Never mind, it's pretty cheesy.
  • Dry erase boards are remarkable!
  • How do you make holy water?  Boil the hell out of it!!
Now, go out and laugh today!  Enjoy life - ever single second of it!  And if something tries to make you feel sad or down, read a joke or two and get yourself smiling and hopefully laughing again!!  And until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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