Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Love the little moments...

Happy Tuesday night my Happy clan!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful evening and I hope you all had a fantastic day!  I had an excellent day at work, there was a huge thunderstorm with tornado warnings so we all chilled downstairs for a bit - and our dog Duke was afraid of the stairs so I had to carry him down - and now I'm chilling with my boys watching "Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey"!  I love exciting and unpredictable days like today :)

I truly love fun and entertaining nights like tonight!  It really does make for a better night's sleep.  And late night fun can be anything, from watching a movie to sitting outside enjoying the stars to reading a book by a candle lit room.  It all depends on you honestly.  You have to allow yourself to enjoy every moment, especially those small moments that seem like nothing but in reality they are everything!

Little moments make up the biggest memories and that's what I'm focusing on with your Happy tonight.  Life is filled with so many little moments, and these little moments are what make life so memorable and amazing.  That little hug from a friend when you're feeling down, that simple phone call from someone you haven't talked to in a while, that extra cookie your child shares with you, these are all small examples of those little moments that make such big impacts.

Now, get out there and start enjoying all those little moments in your life and you'll stop sweating the other stuff because soon you'll find the other stuff doesn't matter as much!!  Until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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