Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Rise like the sun!

Happy Wednesday my Happy clan!  Yes, I know its very late and yes I do know it's Wacky Task Wednesday... I've been pretty much nonstop all day so I apologize for the late post but late is always better than never, don't you agree?

First, how did everyone do with their task from last week? How many on the list did you do?  I haven't finished all of them quite yet but I'm still having fun with last week's still :)  I hope you all are as well! 

Normally I would have a lot more to say but I'm super tired and have an even longer day ahead of me tomorrow so I'm going to get straight to your Happy/Task.  This week, I want every single one of you to get up early enough to see the sun rise!  You only have to do it once but your more than welcome to watch as many as you'd like!!  I know that for some of you getting up that early isn't wacky - it's insane!  And some of you, this may be normal, but I still want you to do it.  A sunrise is such a beautiful sight and means so much!  Its now just the sun rising you'll be witnessing but also a promise of a new day and the hope for a new tomorrow! 

So go - enjoy your sunrise and the amazing day that will follow afterwards!!  And until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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