Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Unite in Love!!!

Happy Tuesday my Happy clan!  Yes, I do know that I did not post anything yesterday - but that's because it was too late and the Happy I want to share with you for yesterday is something I think that everyone should see.  If I post too late it might not get seen by enough people...

Your Happy is a speech about uniting together as one - the whole world - in love!  This is by far one of the greatest speeches EVER!!!  And I want you all not just to watch it but share it and even more importantly, LIVE IT!!!  This was said 70 years ago - I think it's about time we as people start loving more and stop letting hate and greed take us down...

Go out and love your brothers and sisters!  Unite in love!  It's much easier and happier to love than it is to hate!  Until later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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