Monday, March 30, 2015

Happy on a Monday night :)

Happy Monday night my Happy clan!  I hope everyone had a wonderful day!  I did - even though we had a lot to do today it was still such a nice day!!

However, since it's already very late, tonight I am going to share a quote with you that's all about being happy!  This is just a great quote and I know it will make all of you smile like it did to me:

"Life is too short too miss out on being as happy as you can possibly be!" 

And how true this quote is!!  You don't need a reason to be happy, just be it!  I promise, life is so much easier when you are wearing a smile!  So, smile and go get some sleep!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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