Friday, March 13, 2015

Just another day in paradise...

Happy Friday afternoon my Happy clan!  I hope everyone is doing wonderfully today!  It was a long and busy day at work for me but I had a fabulous day because I chose to have one.  There were plenty of opportunities for me to get upset but I just kept my smile on and kept moving forward!!  It's Friday the 13th, for the 2nd month in a row!  That's just crazy lucky :D

I have a lot that needs to get taken care of in the next few weeks, and a lot is kind of an understatement, but I don't care.  Tonight, Johnny's school is having a Mom-Son event.  It's a Freaky Friday Neon Night with a lot of fun events like dodgeball!  So, I painted my nails in neon green and orange (have to stick with the St. Patty's colors in case I don't have a chance to change them before Tuesday) and we're drawing cool little pics on our face with bright face paint colors.  I'm so extremely excited and cannot wait!!  Unfortunately though, we can't stay out much past when it ends because tomorrow morning Johnny's scholastic group in Odyssey of the Mind has their regional competition so we have to be in bed early so we are there on time.  But, we're so excited about that as well so it's all good ;)

Life can be so insane sometimes, but it still sure is fun!  We all live in this insane, crazy world together yet some of us are still choosing to miss out on the awesomeness and live in negativity and sadness.  For example, have you ever asked someone how they were and their response was "just another day in paradise"?  If I asked you to raise your hands, I'm guessing you all have your hands up.  I'm sure some of you are guilty of saying it yourself, don't worry - my husband is as well ;)  I think it's funny that the phrase "Just another day in paradise" is considered a negative thing.  I am guilty of using this phrase, but when I say it - I mean it!  I say it with enthusiasm and joy and love!!  My life is always another day in paradise!!  And it should be that way for all of us.  Yes, life is not always easy.  Yes, life can be very sad sometimes.  Yes, life can make it very hard to stay happy all the time ... But there is ALWAYS a reason to smile.  You just have to focus on that reason instead!  Life is paradise - so go out and enjoy it like it is!

Here is a song called "Just Another Day in Paradise" by Phil Vassar.  I found a version of it that includes the lyrics because that's what makes this song so awesome!

I hope you all enjoy your evening in paradise while I go enjoy mine with my son!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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