Tuesday, March 17, 2015

May you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live.

Happy St. Patrick's Day my Luckily Happy clan!  I hope you all are having a day full of fun shenanigans and lucky charms!!  Since it is St. Paddy's day, today your Happy is going to be dedicated to the Irish :)  And since I am Irish - this will be "dublin" up my dose of happiness for today (get it, dublin-doubling... har-dee-har-har).

First, let's start off with some Irish Blessings:

I tried to go with some not as popular sayings but still had a powerful message (as most Irish Blessings do).  I love reading Irish Blessings - they always make me feel all warm and sunshiny inside :D

However, I also love Irish jokes.  Yes, I am Irish - and I am VERY proud to be Irish!  But, the Irish carry along with them some humorous baggage, and I embrace that part of my heritage as well.  Not all of these pertain to me, but some of them do:

How does every Irish joke start?
By looking over your shoulder.

Why don't you iron 4-leaf clovers?
You don't want to press your luck.

How do you blind an Irishman?
You put a bottle of whiskey in front of him.

How did the Irish Jig get started?
A whole lot of drinks and not enough bathrooms.

What's the main difference between an Irish wedding and an Irish funeral?
One less drunk at the party.

HAHAHAHA!!!  Being Irish is so fun - we really are a loud and crazy bunch and I couldn't be more proud to be included in the Irish crew :)  I'm not really a typical "Irish drinker" (in my eyes, whiskey = yucky) and besides potatoes, I am not a fan of Irish food, but I am Irish and I am damn proud of it, too!!

So, I've shared some Irish blessings and some Irish jokes and now I'm going to end with an Irish Prayer set to a beautiful Celtic melody:

I hope you all enjoyed your Irish post tonight and here's hoping I got lucky and I made you smile an extra smile!  But, now it's time for me to bid you all goodnight, so "Oíche mhaith agus codladh sámh" (goodnight and sleep well in Gaelic).  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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