Monday, March 23, 2015

Home is where your heart is...

Happy Monday night my Happy clan!  I hope you all had a great rest of your day!  I had a lot to do today, but got quite a bit accomplished so I am very happy about that.  The most important thing I got done today was getting plane tickets for Matt and Johnny to fly back home.  We found great tickets at a really awesome price!  And as soon as the tickets were booked I was filled with a huge sense of happiness.  We're one step closer to moving back home!!

It's funny though, when you talk about home, most people start talking about the house they live in and how many rooms it has or where it's located.  But to me, that's not home.  Home is (as the title of today's post states) where the heart is.  As long as I'm with those I love, I know I'm home.  And I have so many different homes now!  I'm quite lucky to not only have so many people that I love in this life, but those people truly love me back!!!  And that's what a home is, isn't it.  Somewhere where you are surrounded by those you love?  So, tonight's Happy are some beautiful quotes about what a "home" really is:

A house is made of bricks and beams,
A home is made of hopes and dreams!

Life takes you to unexpected places,
Love brings you home!

Where you treat your friends like family
And your family like friends!

Where love resides, memories are created,
friends always belong and laughter never ends!

Home is the starting place of love, hope and dreams!

There's no place like home!!!

It really is such an amazing Happy - and we all have a place that we can call home too.  Most of us have a lot more "homes" than we realize!  But I am going to head off to bed now so goodnight to all of you and until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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