Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday Slumber

Happy Sunday night my Happy clan!  I hope that you all had a stupendously wonderful week!!  Can you believe it's not  only the end of another week but the beginning of a brand new month!  Just like that and it's almost springtime :) I know there's still another few weeks or so to go but I can feel it!  And until then, "Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snow lies the seed that with the sun's love, in the spring becomes the rose." (The Rose, -Bette Midler)

The thought of spring makes me so happy in so many different ways!  I can guarantee I'll have some lovely dreams tonight thanks to these thoughts - and I'd like for you all to have lovely dreams as well!

So, tonight's Happy is a sweet and simple song that gracefully depicts the exquisite wonder that is springtime:

I love the soft melody of the piano... I think it fits quite well - and makes for a great tune to fall asleep to ;) In fact, that's just what I'm going to do!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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