Saturday, February 14, 2015

Friday the 13th is a Happy Day!

Happy Day to my Happy clan!  So, I was in the process of posting this yesterday but was pretty busy so I ended up forgetting to finish my post for you all... I'm sorry!!  But, it was definitely a typical Friday the 13th for me!  Lots of happy and lucky moments happened yesterday :)  We got an extra paycheck we weren't expecting so bills were able to pay some more bills off, I found my gift card I got from my awesome sissy for Christmas so now I can get my nails done, my Johnny had an awesome day at school and got lots of Valentines from lots of his friends which made him so very happy and I got to see an old friend from grade school for dinner!!!  Now that's what I call a day of lucky happiness!!!

I find it so funny that people freak out over Friday the 13th and act like it's such a bad day - when in reality it's just another day!  In fact, you are in control of how the day unfolds, the day doesn't control you!  So, start making Friday the 13th a lucky day for you from now on - you get another chance in March so start prepping for your new lucky day!!!

So, to stick with the day's theme, here's a picture for your Friday the 13th Happy (I dare you all not to giggle at this... bet you can't!):

And there's your Happy for yesterday - now on to today's!  Until a little later, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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