Friday, February 27, 2015

Positive thoughts for positive dreams!

Happy Thursday evening my Happy clan! I hope everyone had a marvelous day!  It was a nice day for me, I had a busy day but a nice one none the less.  My favorite part of today was the conversation I had with my Johnny on the way home from school.  The whole way home we talked about ways to look at life in a positive way.  I have to say, listening to him get all excited about always being happy and positive and finding a silver lining to all of life's situations was definitely my happy for today!

So, I thought that for today's Happy I would share the same positive thoughts with all of you.  They're just a couple simple thoughts that could make a big impact on your life if you let them:

Some see a glass as half full, some see it as half empty, but if you think about it, both are wrong.  
No matter how much liquid is in the glass, the rest of it is always filled with air so the glass is ALWAYS full!

You only live once is a lie... You live every day you wake up!  
So start living and enjoy every new day, chance and experience you get!!!

I really hope these mean something to all of you like they mean to me and Johnny.  Now off to bed with you - because that's where I'm headed ;)  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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