Sunday, February 8, 2015

How about a smiley Monday :)

Happy Monday my Happy clan!  So it's another new week and another new chance to do something good!  So, let's all start off with a nice, big smile...  Are you ready?  Annnnnnnnnnnnd GO!

Good, now that we got that taken care of let's get down to business with our Happy for the day!  Yeppers - I'm getting straight to the point once again today ;)  Today I want you all to just smile as much as you possibly can all day long!  Trust me, it is possible to smile all day long.  I do it all the time... Like Buddy the Elf, I just like to smile - smiling's my favorite!!  So your Monday Happy are just a bunch of smiles to help make your day as smiley as possible:

Today, give a stranger one of your smiles.
It might be the only sunshine they see all day.

The most beautiful smile
is the one that struggles through tears.

It is the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart!

Let your smile change the world,
Don't let the world change your smile!

Always wear a smile
because your smile is a reason
for many others to smile!

A smile can brighten the darkest day!

Don't cry because it's over,
smile because it happened!!

It's always nice to have someone in your life
that makes you smile even when they're not around!

The sexiest curve on your body is your smile...

So there you have it - a list of smiles for you all to use.  Not just today - but always and forever!!  So, my smiley Happy clan, until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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