Saturday, February 21, 2015

Who would like a goodnight kiss?

Happy Saturday night my Happy clan!  I hope everyone had a beautiful day!  It was a great day for me with lots of easy running around :)  It was really nice spending the whole day with my guys - even when we were just sitting around trying to figure out what to do.  I love days like today!

I am quite tired this evening though ... The entire Powell household is actually ;)  I know I'll be falling asleep soon so I wanted to make sure to send a Happy out to all of you before the day comes to a complete close.  Tonight's Happy is a little gift from me to you.  I did not write this poem but it states what your gift of Happy from me is perfectly:

Blowing Night Time Kisses
Soft Whispers from Derry's Heart Poems

Tonight as you open up your window
And gaze upon the stars so bright,
Stand very still, to fell the breeze upon your face,
Feathery whispers in the night.
Over here I'm standing on my doorstep,
Blowing kisses out of sight.
With the wind blowing your way,
And if I aim just right,
You will feel a little tingle,
A tickle very sweet
Which will be my love alighting
Soft upon your cheek!

Make sure to collect your goodnight kiss sent from me to you before you head off to bed - I'm sending out my kisses now!!  Sleep well and sweet dreams to you all!!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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