Sunday, February 15, 2015

Little Dreams Bring Big Happies!

Happy Sunday evening my Happy clan!  As not only the day but the week is coming to an end I am sitting in bed thinking of all of you and hoping you each had a super week of happiness and sunshine!  I did - because I allowed myself to have it :)  Now with a new week upon us - will you all choose to have a happy week and let good triumph?!  Well, I sure hope so!!

However, it is still evening time and so I feel our Happy for tonight should be something bedtime related, don't you?  Like, for instance, a song about dreaming... And the first song that comes to my mind is "Dream a Little Dream of Me".  It's such a sweet and simple song of the sweet and simpleness that is love!  And it's so true, I know I sleep so wonderfully when I'm thinking of my loved ones ... and when I can feel them thinking about me too, well that's just an incredible feeling!!

So, today's Happy is Dream a Little Dream of Me performed by me in a Karaoke Competition about 5 1/2 years ago.  The first minute is just me on stage chatting away while waiting for the prep guy to get the music going and my family being silly behind the scenes so if you want to jump ahead the song starts at 1:01.  I had a lot of fun in this competition and I hope that I can get back into this again soon.  Anyways, on to the song:

Now, you all go to bed and have yourself an evening of sweet dreams!!  And don't forget to dream a little dream of me because you'll be in my thoughts and dreams!!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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