Monday, February 23, 2015

Get wrapped up in happiness!

Happy super late Sunday night my Happy clan!  I hope you all had a wonderful day!!  I had an extremely long day ... One that is finally coming to an end!  I've been working all day on a project for my boss and just as the clock struck 1am I finished.  Thank goodness for that too because I am tired!  But not too tired to make sure I post your Happy for today!

Since it is so late our Happy is going to be pretty short - but it's a great Happy!  All I kept thinking about as the evening got later and later was how I couldn't wait to snuggle with my blanket in my bed.  And then I realized what a perfect Happy that is!  So your Happy tonight is your bed and your pillow(s) and your nice, warm blanket!!  As you snuggle in bed this evening - remind yourself how awesome it feels when you can finally just lay your head down and just go to sleep!!!

I am going to go enjoy my Happy now, so until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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