Friday, February 20, 2015

It's a Two-Part Friday...

Happy Friday my Happy clan!  I hope everyone had a super fabulous day!!  I did :)  I worked this morning and early afternoon - but got out earlier than I usually do on a Friday, and I was able to do a lot of extra stock for the evening crew as well!  We had pizza for dinner, which always makes for a happy dinner!  Johnny had a fantastic day at school and was a true example of a leader with his friends.  He saw a kid at school sitting alone and sad so he left his friends to go and check on the boy.  He brought him over to hang with him and his friends and a couple of them told Johnny they didn't want to hang with him because he wasn't cool enough.  The kid ran away crying and Johnny scolded his friends and reminded them that they didn't always have friends and to think of his feelings.  He then made them go and apologize to the boy and they all hung out afterwards and had a great time!  I'll tell you - I am just beyond proud of my Bug!!!  I think it's pretty safe to say I had an overly abundantly happy day :)

As I list out all my happies for the day I start thinking how easy it really was to find the happy moments and to ignore any bad that may have occurred.  Of course, if I sit here and just focus on the bad that happened I'd start remembering ... But I really don't want to.  I'm much happier only remembering the good!

I find it odd that so many people seem to focus on the things that make them upset or annoyed instead of the things that make them happy and full of cheer.  Did you know that the definition of pet peeve is favorite annoyance?  Favorite annoyance???  Isn't that an oxymoron?  Well you know what - I think we need to all have "pet happies" instead!!!  So we're going to have a two-part Happy today...

Part One: Here are a list of some of my Pet Happies!

  • Smiling!!!!!!
  • Making others smile!
  • When Johnny asks me for a hug!
  • When Matt quotes lines from our favorite movies!
  • A nice hot cup of coffee :)
  • Phone conversations with my friends and family!
  • Playing fetch with Dukey!
  • Hugs, Hugs and more Hugs!!!
I could go on and on and on but, I'm not going to.  Why?  Because now it's your turn!!

Part Two: What are some of your Pet Happies?  List in the comments section (if you'd like of course) what some of yours are - make others smile by sharing the things that make you smile!!!

I hope to see lots of Pet Happies - that's actually another one of mine, hearing other people talk about what makes them happy!!!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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