Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I never met a sunset I did not like...

Happy Wacky Wednesday my Happy clan!  How was everyone's day?  Mine was so super busy yet so super wonderful!  I had lots to do but I got pretty much everything done and I got to spend the late afternoon into evening celebrating my BFF/sister's (the Lizard Queen) Birthday with my bestie and my sis-in-law and Johnny as well as my sister's kids were there too!  It really was so awesome and it's been 2 years since I've been able to celebrate with her so that was even cooler!!

This is why you're Wacky Task is coming to you so late today, but it's a great one!! But first, as always, let's recap last week's task.  How'd you all do getting away from your electronics to enjoy actual life for a bit?  My week was fab!  We had a lot of outdoor activities, we had a movie night and we had some great conversations!!  This is definitely something we'll be continuing doing from now on!  How about you?  What fun or interesting things happened while you put down your electronics?  I'd love to hear from all of you - so feel free to post in the comments :)

Now, let's get on to this week's Wacky Task.  This week it's not really wacky though, more breathtaking and awe-inspiring.  This week is Sunset Week!  For your task this week I want you to watch a sunset... Actually, I want you to watch at least 3 sunsets.  Watch more if you want and/or can, but watch at least 3.  And really enjoy them!!  Sunsets are an amazing piece of work that we get to enjoy almost every night (there's not much of a sunset when it's raining...)  So, go enjoy some purely beautiful sunsets and if you get pictures - share them with us!!!  In fact, I'll get you started.  Here are a few sunset pictures taken (and if edited) by me!

I hope you all enjoy this week's task and I hope to see lots of pictures!!  Have yourself a fabulous evening, sweet dreams and until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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