Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Stop missing out...

Happy Wednesday my Happy clan!  I hope all of you are having a super fantabulous day!!  Yes, I know it is later in the day and it's Wacky Task Wednesday - but don't worry, I made it with plenty of time to spare :)

First, I'd like to start off by seeing how everyone did with their wacky task from last week?  Do you remember what your task was?  Of course you do... It was to smile - smile with all of your might!!  Or, in simpler words, to make smiling your favorite!  I know I was as smiley as ever last week ... Were you???  I hope so and I hope you continue to make smiling your favorite!

This week, our wacky task is something that came to me when I was outside taking my dog out this morning.  Usually I bring my phone out with me but I had to put it on the charger because the battery was running low and I had to work that day.  I'm so glad I didn't have my phone because since I didn't have that to distract me, I ended up looking up in the sky to see the beautiful blue sky with a splash of white clouds spread sporadically throughout.  Then, I saw this hawk magnificently soaring around in the sky and flying around with it was this little bird which I believe was a robin.  At first I thought it was just the angle, but then I noticed that no matter which way the hawk circled - the little bird would follow it.  It was like they were playing together!  It was such an amazing sight to see and had I of taken my phone out with me I would have completely missed that!!!  So, that is why I have chosen this week's Wacky Task.

Now, this should be extremely easy, however, I have a feeling it may prove to be difficult for some.  In the end though I guarantee it will end up being something you look forward to.  Your Wacky Task this Wednesday is to put your electronic devices down and/or away for at least an hour every single day!  And this hour cannot be while you're at work or while you're sleeping.  It has to be during the hours that you are awake and have free time.  Take 1 hour every day this week and use it to spend a little more time with a loved one or with yourself!  Take a walk, read a book, have a conversation, enjoy an ice cream cone, watch the sun set, watch the sun rise... Enjoy life and all of it's amazing wonder!!!  Tonight, before we go to bed, we're turning off our electronic devices and putting a puzzle together as a family.  Then we'll get ready for bed and probably watch a movie as we pass out.  But, we will have spent an hour together as a family - enjoying one another and this crazy life we're venturing through :)

I hope you all join me with this task this week and share with me that awesomeness you enjoy during that time when your electronic devices are away!  I'd love to hear from all of you ... any time!  Now, GO!  Turn off those devices and stop missing life!!  And it is now time for me to have my hour with my guys so until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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