Saturday, July 11, 2015

Think less and feel more!

Good evening my Happy clan!  Happy Saturday night to each and every one of you!  All of you who know me probably think today was a bad day for me because the Cubbies lost... Well, you're wrong!  Sure, I'm not happy they lost - but that's okay.  It happens.  And as I always do, I will cheer them on again next game and root, root, root for my boys!!

Today was quite the day though.  I had lots of tedious stuff to take care of this morning while Matt had to take care of his own list of tedious things.  Then, we had to go start cleaning our house so we can start prepping it to be painted so we can get it painted so we can clean it again so we can start moving things in... But we're on the right direction so how can it be anything but a positive!!  After that we came home to an incredible Italian Beef dinner my mother made followed by pudding she made as well.  It was so yummy!  Then, one of my sister's came over and we went to go see Jurassic World, which was phenomenal by the way.  If you're a fan of the original - you won't be disappointed :)  So as you can see, I had quite a wonderful day!

Sometimes I, myself, wonder how I can stay so happy even when so many opportunities for me to be upset show up.  I think it's because I choose not to dwell on those moments.  I do my fair share of venting, don't get me wrong, but that's where it usually ends - after my little rant.  It's actually a good idea to vent out your frustrations to your family and friends.  It helps to relieve built up pressure and tension in your body.  God gave us family and friends for a reason... to be there for one another when needed.  Sure, sometimes we're needed to take the extra ticket for that awesome concert at the coolest venue, but other times it's to be the ear on the other end that listens for however long we need to because our loved one is having a rough moment.

Whatever the reason is though - we're there for each other.  Usually, we're there for each other without even realizing it.  For instance, your best friend calls crying because her boyfriend just broke up with her.  Next thing you know, you're at the grocery store picking up two gallons of ice cream to bring over to you girl friend so you can chow out together as she cries to you.  Or your brother calls you on the side of the road because his car just died.  Next thing you know you're on the road en route to pick your brother up.  Or your grandma calls and somehow the conversation comes up that she's out of milk so she can't eat her cereal in the morning.  Next thing you know you're at her door with a gallon of milk that you just bought for her.  Why do you do these things?  Because of feelings.  Because we don't sit and analyze the situation - we follow our hearts and do what we know is best for those we love.

How cool would it be if we started doing things like that for everyone in the world?  You know, just started using our heart to guide us completely through this crazy life.  As Charlie Chaplin said, "We think too much and feel too little."  Well, let's change that.  Let's all start feeling more and thinking less.  Stop over thinking every situation in your life and start letting your heart take control.  It makes life so much easier to deal with and so much happier too!  So go out there and start following your heart more!  And until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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