Saturday, January 3, 2015

Another Smile From Me To You!

Happy Sunshiny Smiley Saturday!!  I hope everyone is enjoying their day so far :)  I slept in a little bit today (because my boys did) so I'm feeling nice and refreshed and ready to spread some cheer!  

Today's Happy is one of my all time favorite poems written by one of the world's greatest poets, Shel Silverstein.  This poem pretty much defines me!  Seriously.  If Webster put me in the dictionary I would request that this be my definition...

Seriously, how cool would it be if everywhere you went you were met with a smile and a hug, no matter who it is you're meeting, whether it's an old friend or someone you've never met before... Smiles and Hugs are the simplest of gestures that leave long-lasting feelings of happiness!  We need to start loving one another out loud more often!!  So go out there and do it - go let your love shine to everyone you meet!!!

Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!
Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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