Friday, January 9, 2015

Don't Forget Your Smile!! :)

A very Happy Fantastic Friday to my Happy Clan!  It's finally Friday which means it's almost the weekend!!!  Yay!!!  I'm in a very Happy mood today - and quite the productive one as well!  I got Johnny ready for school, while mixing my chocolate chip banana bread so I could get it in the oven as soon as I got back from dropping Johnny off at school.  I'm pretty sure everyone at work is going to have a very Happy day now too - since they've been asking me to make my banana bread again for about 4 weeks now ;)  And knowing how happy it makes them makes me that much more Happy!!!

I'm so ready for today and anything that comes along with it!  And no matter what may happen, nothing is going to take my smile away from me!!  Mostly because I'd feel naked without it... And that's what I'm hoping you all will feel like whenever you're not smiling.  A smile is the most beautiful thing you can wear, and it doesn't cost a penny!  But it's worth more than any amount in the world!!!  Never underestimate the power of your smile - you never know who's day you may change for the better or who's heart you just gave a little comfort to.

So, without further ado, here is my Happy for today!  It's my own simple version of You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile from my all time favorite musical, Annie!  It's obviously just a quick recording so it's not the best but I don't care, it makes me Happy :)  And I hope it does the same for you!

Now, go put your smile on and get going on with your day!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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