Saturday, January 10, 2015

How about a hug?

Happy Sensational Saturday my Happy clan!!!  Hooray!!!  We made it!!  I've been quite busy today, worked a little this morning, went and saw a friend, watched part of Rocky IV with Matt and Johnny (and cried my eyes out too ... watched the Apollo vs. Drago fight for the first time). And now I'm writing a Happy for all of you!!!  

This is quickly becoming one of my favorite parts of the day - Johnny's too!  He told me yesterday he favorited this blog so he can read it every day too!  That was probably the highlight of my day :D  I hope that one day this will be one of your favorite parts of the day - I can't even begin to describe how incredibly Happy I would be knowing I made others Happy!!!

Today's Happy is brought to you by the letter H and the number INFINITY!  H is for Happy!  H is also for HUGS!!!!  Coincidentally - your Happy today are INFINITE HUGS FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope these hugs reach you soon - but don't worry, I'm going to keep sending them!!!  I was serious when I said infinite!  I love you all and hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)


  1. Hugs right back to you! Now how do I follow?

    1. I love you Lizzi!!!!! And I believe you just click on the follow tab under my name in the about me section on top... I think ;)
