Friday, January 16, 2015

Helpful Hints on How to be Happy

Happy Fantabulistic Friday my Happy Clan!!  I'm so beyond excited that it's Friday!!  Even though I know it's going to be a very long day at work because we're short staffed, I don't care!  I'm going to go in with a smile and tackle the entire day smiling - and when I leave for the day, I will STILL be smiling!!

Happiness is a part of me, it always has been.  My entire life I've had people ask me how I can be so happy (especially at 7 in the morning) or where they can find these happy pills I take!  But it's just me ladies and gentlemen.  This is just who I am, and this is who I'll forever be!  I love being happy all the time.  I hate when I am in a bad mood (yes, they're rare occasions but they happen sometimes).  So, whenever I need a little reminder that it's just as easy to be happy as it is to be upset I just turn to one of my Happy quotes.  And guess what, some of these quotes are going to be your Happy today!  Now, any time you need a little reminder you can just open up to this page and read these again and walk away smiling!!!

Now, are you feeling Happy?  If not, read these again, and again if you need to!  Remember, you choose if you are going to have a Happy Day or a miserable day... Go make it a Happy one!!!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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