Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Simple Smiles :)

Happy Thundering Tuesday to my Happy clan!  I hope you all are having a fantabulous day so far!!  It's still raining by me and I am still loving every single second of it!  Still no rainbow but there's still a chance I'll see one :)

I'm working from home today ... I have to say, it's so much nicer making calls and sending emails and putting together spreadsheets and call logs in my pj's and slippers!  How is it that something so simple as pajamas or slippers can bring so much happiness?  I'll tell you how - because I choose to find the Happy in every situation!  Obviously, in this scenario finding my Happy was pretty easy ;)

And I have to share this with you - but as I am writing this blog I am listening to the Beautiful Instrumentals music station on DirecTV.  The song that is being played is My Favorite Things played amazingly on the piano by George Shearing.  Coincidence or fate ... whatever you may believe ... that song is my Happy for you all today!!!  I thought it was a perfect Happy to share on another rainy day - or sunny day, or snowy day, or whatever type of day you may be experiencing!  Sometimes it's good to remember the very simple things in life that make us smile.  After all, smiling always leads to Happier things!

Since I'm completely obsessed with Julie Andrews, I am of course going to be sharing her version of My Favorite Things from one of my all-time favorite musicals The Sound of Music.

And it really is that simple folks!!  Just start thinking about what it is that does make you happy and soon all the bad starts to just disappear!  I hope this helps bring a smile to your faces for the day like it is for me :)  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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