Saturday, January 24, 2015

Smiling is the easy way to be happy!

Happy super late Friday (and almost Saturday) my Happy clan!  I hope you all had a fantastic day!!  I had a marvelous day once again!  I did have to work and ended up being there almost 2 hours later than I was supposed to be, but that just means a little extra in my paycheck right ;)  I did hope I'd be home earlier to play with my nephews a little more before they leave in the morning but as soon as I hear them get up tomorrow I'll be getting up with them!

I'm quite sad they are leaving tomorrow, but I am so excited about all the time I got to spend with them while they were here.  And I can't wait to go out and visit them in Chicago soon!  So, even though it's sad I'm able to find the happy buried within.  Because there is always something happy buried within every moment in life, you just have to keep your eyes opened!  So often we focus so hard on the one bad thing that has happened we miss the thousands of happy things happening right in front of us.  But the easiest way around that is just to keep smiling and be happy!  Remember, you want your smile to change the world but never let the world change your smile!!!

Today's Happy is this exact reminder... Of course you don't always feel like smiling - unless you always tell yourself that you do feel like smiling.  It's what I do every morning, afternoon and night!  And you can do it too!!  When things start getting you down, smile!  When traffic starts making you angry, smile!  When your boss doesn't give you the credit you deserve or takes you for granted, smile!  When it feels like you're all alone - Smile!

I hope you all remember to smile and stay happy!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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