Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Unexpected Achievements Bring Unexpected Happies!

Happy Wednesday evening my Happy clan!  I hope you all are having a wonderful day!!  My family is still in town visiting which is the reason for all my late posts this week.  But the way I see it - a Happy is good at any time of the day, don't you agree?

We had another nice day today, even though I had to work, it was still a great day!  My sister has been forcing me to jog with her while she's been here and today was day number 2 that we jogged 4 miles!!!  I'm so proud of myself!!!  I am not a runner so this is definitely a challenge but one I want to keep up with!  I never thought I'd feel so awesome after running but wow... What a rush!!!

So for today's happy I thought I'd share with you a poem about always believing in yourself and never giving up.  The poem is actually called "Believe In Yourself" but I can't find the author of this beautiful poem.  If any one of you knows who wrote this please let me know!

Believe In Yourself

Believe in yourself and you can achieve,
Things you never thought possible.
Believe in yourself and you can discover,
New talents hidden inside you.

Believe in yourself and you can reach,
New high that you thought immeasurable.
Believe in yourself and you can elucidate,
The problem that defy every solution.

Believe in yourself and you can tackle,
The hardest of all situations.
Believe in yourself and you can make,
The complicated things seem simple.

Believe in yourself and you can enjoy,
The beauty of the nature's creation.
Believe in yourself and you can learn,
Skill of gaining knowledge from experience.

Believe in yourself and you can discern,
New depths in your life.
Believe in yourself and you can perform,
Way beyond your expectations.

Believe in your aim and work towards it,
With elation, determination and dedication.
Believe in yourself and you'll feel blessed,
As you are the God's special creation.

I hope you all take something from this poem because it is true!!!  You can do anything you want as long as you believe you can!!  So until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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