Thursday, January 15, 2015

Dreaming the Day Away :)

Happy Thursday Morning my Happy clan!!  I hope you all are having an absolutely beautiful day so far!  I sure am :)  Even though it's going to be a longer day for me I'm still as happy as can be!  But that's because I choose to be happy, I don't do "grumpy" very well anyways ;)

So I woke up this morning feeling all warm and cozy inside - I had such a wonderful dream last night!  I just love dreams like that!  I woke up and knew that HAD to be our Happy for today.  Yes, not all dreams are the best, but sometimes we all get that really awesome one.  The one where you wake up in the morning and wish you could go back to sleep to get back in that dream.  The one where you are half way through your day but are still all kinds of happy because of lingering thoughts and feelings of that dream.  The one where you wish you could wave a magic wand and make it a reality!!

You know the dreams I'm talking about, and I bet you're smiling right now thinking about them aren't you?  But, the reason these dreams make us feel so incredibly wonderful is because, as our dear Princess, Cinderella, taught us, a dream is a wish your heart makes!!  And they really are!  All dreams have the possibility of becoming a reality - maybe not exactly how you saw them in your mind, but pretty much dead on what you dreamed.  Just never stop believing and never stop trying for what you want!

So, here's your Happy for today brought to you by Cinderella:

How many of you sang along?  You know I do - every single time!  Anyways, I hope you all have a marvelous day and keep working on making your dreams a reality!!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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