Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Snow + Imagination = Happiness :)

Happy Totally Terrific Tuesday my Happy Clan!  I hope everyone is doing well and is almost back in the swing of things ... I know it's only been one day but I'm wishful thinking for you all ;)

I heard it's been snowing pretty much everywhere - even Arizona got a little snow in the Tucson area.  My area didn't get any though, boo!  I might be the only person in the world who is bummed out about not getting snow!  But I can't help it, I want to build a snowman and a snow fort to have snowball fights with my son and nieces and nephews.  Snow is definitely a Happy for me!  But, alas, it's going to be in the 70's by me today so I don't think snow is in my near future.  So - guess that means you all have to enjoy the snow for me!  And better yet ... Build me a snowman!!!  If you do build a snowman (or if you build anything out of snow), take a picture and post it as a comment so we all can see!

Have you guessed today's Happy yet?  Don't worry - it's not "Do You Want To Build a Snowman" from Frozen.  Nope, it's a bunch of different snowmen ideas for you brought to you by my all time favorite comic strip (okay fine, it's tied with "The Far Side"): Calvin & Hobbes!!

Even Calvin has a good attitude about the New Year:

I always wanted to do this one - but I think I was more afraid of my dad falling over because of laughing too hard:

I'm actually shocked my brothers haven't done these yet:

Billy, this one has your name written all over it:

But, my all time favorite snow creation of Calvin's is this one (and I really really REALLY want to recreate this one day as well):

I know it's cold and wet and gets in the way ... But make snow a Happy for you by enjoying it!!  And fingers crossed when I finally get to visit Chicago there will still be snow for me to play in too!  If we end up making a trip to Flagstaff to visit AZ snow I'll be sure to take pictures for you all as well!  Now, go get in that snow and PLAY!!!!

Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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