Saturday, January 17, 2015

I'm so rich! Are you too???

Happy Stupendously Superb Saturday my Happy clan!!  I hope you all are having an amazing day so far!  I'm as happy as can be today!!!  I've been seriously dancing around all morning - even though I should be cleaning ;)  And why am I even happier than usual today you may ask?  Well, because my sister, her husband and my two awesome nephews are coming for a visit and they get in today!!  I am so excited to see them!!!

Isn't it funny how something as simple as a visit from a friend or family member can make all the bad disappear when they show up?  Just the thought of them getting there makes everything so much better :)  That's because in life, our most expensive and priceless treasures are our loved ones.  It's not things.  Sure, when you buy something new - of course it makes you happy, but it will never return that happiness to you.  Your TV will never hug you.  Your car will never give you a shoulder to cry on.  Your money will never tell you I Love You!  It's the people in our lives that do these things - and so much more!!!

Today's Happy is a reminder of what the definition of being rich really is.  Being rich doesn't mean you have a lot of money, it means you have a lot of love!!  I don't have a lot of money but I'm one of the wealthiest people in the world.  I'm surrounded by so much love!  And in the end, love really is all you need!!  So, here's your Happy reminders for today:

We are all so incredibly blessed to have people that love us in our lives!  These are what make us all rich, much richer than you may even know!!!  So, remember to treasure these gifts you have been given and always remember to tell everyone you love them!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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