Thursday, January 8, 2015

Helpful Happy Hints :)

Happy Tubular Thursday my Happy Clan!  It's a beautiful day in Arizona today.  Sunny with a splash of clouds - my favorite type of sky!!!  I hope you all are enjoying the day you've been blessed with as well :)

Yes, I know I'm much later today than usual, but sometimes an afternoon Happy is a much needed thing!  I know after a hard day of working (whether it be at a job, at home or running errands) it's nice to sit down and just think of happy and positive things, even if it is just for a few minutes.

I do know how hard it is to be positive and happy - especially after a day of hardships and bad news pouring in from what seems like every angle!  Yes, even I have to force a smile on my face every once in awhile, but it always seems to do the trick.  So, today's happy is a list of things I use to help keep the sadness and negativity out of my heart and soul!

  • Choose to be happy!  Yes - it is a choice!!  Every morning I wake up and I remind myself that I get another chance at another day and I choose to have a happy day, no matter what may come my way!
  • Sing, hum or whistle!  Life's always a little easier when there's a song to help you along the way :)  This is something I learned a long time ago from Snow White!
  • Smile and/or say hi to everyone you meet!  You'd be surprised how good you feel when you get a smile or a hello back!
  • Call a loved one!  When I moved to Arizona, away from all my friends and family, I quickly learned how well this trick works!  Yes, I can always depend on my 2 guys to be there for me to love me and cheer me up when I need it - but I still need my friends and family!  And it's pretty awesome being reminded by them that they still need me too!!! :)
  • Watch a movie or a TV show or read a good book!  Sometimes you have to disappear into another world for a little bit to clear your head, so go find your favorite movie or a good book and take a break from life for a few... I promise, it will still be here when you're done!
  • Smile!!!!!!  Even if you don't feel like it - just SMILE!!!  It actually takes less muscles to smile than it does to frown, so why give yourself more work ;)  Not to mention, smiling actually does make you feel better.  Not sure how, probably because your heart senses it and sends a message to the rest of your body to get with the program ... It's happy time!!!

I hope this helps you a little bit the next time you're feeling blue.  And if those don't work, here's a bonus trick: always remember that no matter what, I LOVE YOU!!!!  I know how good I feel when someone tells me they love me so... there you go!

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day and until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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