Sunday, January 25, 2015

Enjoy each daily gift of life you receive!

Happy Super Sunday Evening my Happy clan!!  I hope everyone enjoyed their day and that you all are finishing up this week on a beautiful note!  If not, then maybe my Happy will give you that smile you need before heading off to bed :)  I decided that since I've given you an evening Happy all week I might as well finish off the week the same way.

It was a very quiet day in the Powell household today.  Not that we didn't do anything, we did quite a bit.  Matt and Johnny went to the park and played some basketball together while I took Dukey to get his nails clipped and then for a 2-mile jog.  We got some stuff done around the house, cleaning and laundry for the most part.  I also made some updates and changes to the newsletter I recently became in charge of at my new part-time job.  So, I guess it was a lot more productive of a day than I thought but after my sister and her family left things seem so calm around here - and I prefer crazy and hectic ;)

However, my favorite part of every day is just being there!  Every morning I wake up I'm reminded that I was given another chance to do something great, another opportunity to make someone smile, another gift of life!!  And every night I thank God for all these daily Happies!  After all, those are the reasons we live... Remember, yesterday is history, tomorrow's a mystery, but today is a gift - that's why we call it the present!!

So, today's Happy to send you off to sleep with are quotes about the awesomeness that life truly is!!  Here are the handful I picked out for you that I felt would bring out your biggest smiles!

Remember to always live your life to the fullest and enjoy every single second of it as well!!  And try and help those around you enjoy it as well - after all, spreading joy only brings more joy to you!  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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