Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A Late Monday Happy

Happy Magnificent Monday my Happy clan!  Tonight's post is coming to you a lot later than usual... Mostly because I was busy playing with my almost 1 year old nephew all day long.  I would love to say I was playing with my Johnny and my 4 year old nephew, George, but they were too busy playing together I didn't get the chance to play with them.  But, that's okay because watching them play together was just awesome!  I really get sad sometimes thinking about how we never had any more kids, but I'm so glad we only have our Johnny!  Yes, sometimes I think a sibling would be really good for him but other times I think how a sibling might have just make him an actual monster!  But, the way he acts with his cousins now is just amazing!  To the point where I almost want to document it ;)

But then I sit and think about how he does have a sibling - he's got Dukey!  Our puppy is definitely a part of this family!  In fact, he's not our only furry baby - we have him and our little honey bunny, Tiger!  So, whenever people ask me if I want any more kids I always tell them I don't need any more, I already have my 2 1/2 kids - I have one son, one dog and one bunny :)  And let me tell you, a mom couldn't ask for a better bunch of guys!  I love my boys - human and animal!  And they are all a very huge part of me and my life!

So for today's happy I thought I would share with you  a video compilation of cute babies and animals because they are just the perfect Happy!

I hope this brought a smile to all of your faces!  I know it brought an extra one to mine!!!  And I hope you all had a marvelous day and evening  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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