Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Life's easier with a smile :)

Happy Wishful Wednesday my Happy Clan!  I hope everyone's week is going fabulously so far!!  You made it to the middle so there's something to be happy about it - just a couple more days and it's the weekend again!

So can you believe it's already a week into the New Year?!?!  I'm still trying to figure out where most of 2014 went!  I'm glad it's over though... Last year was a very tough year for not just myself but a lot of my loved ones, but we all made it through to 2015 so that says a lot in itself!  And when I look back at last year, even though I know there were a lot of hardships and trials, all I remember is the good that happened!  The key is to focus in on the things that make you happy instead of the things that take your happiness away.  It's definitely much easier to be positive and happy than it is to be negative and depressed - that I can promise you!!!  I know life has it's bad moments, but that's all they are - moments in time that will go away!  And soon those bad times will be replaced by much more amazing wonders that will do nothing but make you smile!  All you have to do is keep moving forward and fight through the bad... Always remember - Good Always Wins!!!  And that's straight up truth, just look at the history of our world.  Every where you look, good always ends up winning!  Even way back in the times of Jesus ... He was nailed to a cross and died!!!  But rose three days later and gave us all the chance to have everlasting life!

So for today's Happy I am sharing with you a poem that is all about staying strong and happy no matter what life throws your way!!

You Will Never See Me Fall
By: Joyce Alcantra

You may see me struggle
But you won't see me fall
Regardless if I'm weak or not
I'm going to stand tall!
Everyone says life is easy
But truly living it is not.
Times get hard, people struggle
And constantly get put on the spot.
I'm going to wear the biggest smile
Even though I want to cry.
I'm going to FIGHT to LIVE!
Even though I'm destined to die...
And even though it's hard
And I may struggle through it all,
You may see me struggle...
But you will NEVER see me FALL!!!

Just remember to keep moving forward and keep your faith and never stop believing!!!  Good and Happiness will prevail for us all!!! :)  Until tomorrow, keep smiling and spreading that love!!

Peace, Love and Happiness!
Karen :)

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